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Messier is also remarkable for the light streak, often said to resemble a comet's tail, which extends from the larger crater eastward to the shore of the Mare Fecunditatis. Goclenius and Guttemberg, on the highland between the Mare Fecunditatis and the Mare Nectaris, are intersected and surrounded by clefts, besides being remarkable for their broken and irregular though lofty walls.

Moreover, the series of fine nights is nearly unbroken from March to November. The facilities thus offered for continuous photographic research rendered feasible Professor Bailey's amazing discovery of variable star-clusters. They belong exclusively to the "globular" class, and the peculiarity is most strikingly apparent in the groups known as Omega Centauri, and Messier 3, 5, and 15.

We went up South Reach and North Reach, in the Messier Channel, till, just as we were off Liberta Bay, in lat. 48° 50' S., long. 74° 25' W., the blackest of the black clouds came suddenly down upon us, and descended upon the deck in a tremendous shower not of rain, but of dust and ashes.

Helen's, Mount Tacoma but these terrestrial volcanoes, except in elevation, are mere pins' heads in the comparison. In the eastern part of the Mare Fecunditatis lies a pair of relatively small craters named Messier, which possess particular interest because it has been suspected, though not proved, that a change of form has occurred in one or other of the pair.

On the twenty-second of July, two voyageurs, Messier and Laurent, came to him with a letter from Tonty; who wrote that soon after La Salle's departure, nearly all the men had deserted, after destroying Fort Crevecoeur, plundering the magazine, and throwing into the river all the arms, goods, and stores which they could not carry off.

On March 4, a few days before Bishop Taché arrived at the settlement, Scott was shot by six men, several of them intoxicated, one refusing to prime his rifle, and one discharging a pistol at the victim as he lay moaning on the ground. From a photograph lent by Rev. L. Messier, St. When the news of this barbarous murder reached the East, a political crisis was imminent.

That of 1781 contains De la Caillie's catalogue of fixed stars reduced to the commencement of that year, and a table of the aberrations and nutations of the principal stars. 1784 contains the same catalogue with the nébuleuses of Messier. 1785 contains the famous catalogue of Flamsteed, with the positions of the stars reduced to the beginning of the year 1784, and which supersedes the use of that immense book. 1786 gives you Euler's lunar tables corrected; and 1787, the tables for the planet Herschel.

He reached the signature at the end, and then read it through again, aloud this time, punctuating his reading with flippant comments: "'In creating the part of the criminal in the tragedy to-night, you made yourself up into a most marvellous likeness of Gurn, the man who murdered Lord Beltham. Come to-night, at two o'clock, in your costume, to 22 rue Messier. Take care not to be seen, but come.

A large number of their minute components run through perfectly definite cycles of change in periods usually of a few hours. Altogether, about 500 "cluster-variables" have been recorded since 1895. It should be mentioned that Mr. David Packer and Dr. Common discerned, about 1890, some premonitory symptoms of light-fluctuation among the crowded stars of Messier 5.

It was simpler now to keep Maud in sight, for the road ran straight: but, there being a catch in everything in this world, the process was also messier. In order to avoid being seen, it was necessary for Percy to leave the road and tramp along in the deep ditch which ran parallel to it. There is nothing half-hearted about these ditches which accompany English country roads.