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Had it been Mercier's eye in place of his ear which attended the two men to the upper room, he would have remarked perhaps with surprise, since he had gained some knowledge of Grio's temper that in proportion as they mounted the staircase, the toper's crest drooped, and his arrogance ebbed away; until at the door of Basterga's chamber, it was but a sneaking and awkward man who crossed the threshold.

It was all too palpable, and, as he used to say, 'in vain is the net spread in the sight of any bird. Mercier's visit, however, had no relation to this matter, but had been arranged for the discussion of purely financial matters with Sir John and his colleagues. The appointed morning arrived, and Mercier, frock-coated and very formal and precise, was shown into Sir John's office.

Gervais bank, and if he were nimble he might give his pursuer the slip in the maze of small streets beside the water. It was odd if the lapse of a few hours did not cool young Mercier's wrath, and restore him to a frame of mind in which he might be brought to hear reason. No sooner planned than done.

Mercier's is no exception to the rule that ideal societies are always repellent; and there are probably few who would not rather be set down in Athens in the days of the "vile" Aristophanes, whose works Mercier condemned to the flames, than in his Paris of 2440.

Then the faces of the men who had made a rush for the stairs that night at the Lion d'Or fiercely glared at him; then Mercier's, so close that he could feel the hot breath upon his cheek.

Mercier's description was even better than Sabatier's. "Did you tell this story of the Lion d'Or at the barrier?" "No," Mercier answered. It was evidently the answer Latour wished to receive, and in a sense it was true.

True, it had been the chief agent in the process of deception; it had blinded him to Mercier's dangerous quality; it had given him a sense of false security; he could see, now, the fool he'd been to imagine that it would act as any deterrent to a woman so foredoomed as Violet. Thus it had in a measure brought about the whole catastrophe.

Ransome met it with his head in the air, clear-eyed, defiant of their sympathy. "I think," his mother said, "we'd better come upstairs if we don't want to be interrupted." For on Sundays the back parlor was assigned to the young chemist, Mercier's successor, who assisted Mr. Ransome.

Attila listened to the prayers of the Pope and spared Rome. The Kaiser's lieutenant does not listen to Cardinal Mercier's protests. The Huns, as most strong men, made a point of keeping their word. The Germans seem to make a point of breaking theirs.

Mercier so taken up with posing in that Gregory costume that he had no time to devote to the affairs of his country?" Mr. Mercier's reply to the party Press was to send down five special constables to Megantic. CAESAR "Let me have men about me that are fat Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights." The five constables that Mr. Mercier sent down to Megantic put up in the village hotel.