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I should say, therefore, that constant exercise in verbal memorizing must still be an indispensable feature in all sound education. Nothing is more deplorable than that inarticulate and helpless sort of mind that is reminded by everything of some quotation, case, or anecdote, which it cannot now exactly recollect.

Perhaps requiring the use of such literature in the schools might be as valuable as the adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of interminable numbers, the memorizing of all the capes, bays and rivers in the world, and the dates of all the battles that have occurred since the creation of man.

I also use Mertke to some extent. Every form of exercise must be worked out in all keys; I find the books useful for all kinds of students. I may add that I use comparatively few études. "If the student seems to have a very imperfect rhythmic sense, I use the metronome, but as sparingly as possible, for I want to establish the inner sense of rhythm. "In regard to memorizing.

It was found desirable after a problem had been solved to present a new and radically different series of settings in order to determine to what extent the subject had learned to choose the correct door by memorizing each particular setting. These supplementary observations may be known as control experiments, and the settings as supplementary settings.

The belief that memorizing normally precedes thinking rather than follows it, is a third very important reason for the prominence of memorizing. I venture to affirm, also, that the average student habitually begins the study of his lessons by memorizing, with the expectation of doing whatever thinking is necessary later. The average teacher conducts recitations in the same manner.

"And for the present not a word of what we've talked about. You'll be hearing more later." He went away, memorizing the names of the three banking establishments ten minutes later he was in the private parlour of the first, in serious conversation with its manager.

"You come within a dozen yards of me and I'll say " "No! Don't!" screamed Paul Brennan. "Not again!" "Now," asked James, "what's going on here?" "He was memorizing a political speech," said Jack Cowling. "What did you do?" "I merely fixed my machine so that it will not be used again." "But you shouldn't have done that!" "You shouldn't have been using it for this purpose," replied James.

I cannot say it is logical in the development of its ideas; it often seems as though the boy threw in chords here and there with no particular reason. Thus the effort of memorizing is considerable, for I must always bear in mind that this C major chord has a C sharp in it, or that such and such a chord is changed into a most unusual one. One cannot predict whether the boy will develop further.

I've remembered something of vital importance." "Yes?" I said. "I remember distinctly," he said, "that on Mary's last birthday we went together to the Coliseum. How does that hit you?" "It's a fine bit of memorizing," I said; "but how does it help?" "Why, they change the programme every week there." "Ah!" I said. "Now you are talking."

We approach a phase of impression the importance of which is often unsuspected; namely, the intention with which memorizing is done. The fidelity of memory is greatly affected by the intention. If, at the time of impression, you intend to retain only until the time of recall, the material tends to slip away after that time.