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As he thought of these evenings, he was ready to believe that his suspicion of the Scotchman's ill-will toward himself was due largely to imagination, and yet he could not rid himself of the unpleasant memory of McNish's convulsed face that afternoon. "What the deuce is the matter with the beggar, anyway?" he said to himself. Suddenly a new suggestion came to him.

McNish alone was prepared for this dramatic announcement, although they all knew that Maitland sooner or later would assume a position which would link him up with the management of the business. But the suddenness of the change and the dramatic setting of the announcement created an impression so profound as to neutralise completely the effect of McNish's masterly speech.

This has not come up for discussion." A gentle pity smiled from the rugged face of the man beside him. "Hardly," he said. "It's no done that way." They came to McNish's door. "Will you come in?" he said courteously.

As he was speaking they heard the sound of a door closing and looking about, Jack found that McNish had gone, to be followed by Tony a moment or two later. "Oh, never mind him," cried Annette, answering Jack's look of surprise. "He has to go to work. And it doesn't matter in the least." Jack was vaguely disturbed by McNish's sudden disappearance.

I should just like to remind 'im that we 'ave a bigger gaime on 'and, if 'e wants to get into it. Personally I don't 'ave no use for these 'ere gaimes. These circumventions " "Maister Chair-r-man! A rise " "Mr. "Maister Chair-r-man Maister-r Chair-r-r-man!" Brother McNish's Doric was ominously rasping. "A rise tae a pint of or-r-de-r-r.

If yere wage was right then, it's wrang the noo." Under the strain Mr. Maitland's boring eyes and increasing impatience the Doric flavour of McNish's speech grew richer and more guttural, varying with the intensity of his emotion. "And what may these figures be?" enquired Mr. Maitland with a voice of contempt. "These are the figures prepared by the Labour Department of your Federal Government.

He was always conscious of a reserve deepening at times to a sullenness in McNish's manner, the cause of which he could not certainly discover. That McNish was possessed of a mentality of more than ordinary power there was no manner of doubt.

He disna does not think much of these games of yours. But that's anither another" McNish was careful of his speech "matter." "But what in " "I am just telling you. There is a strong, a very strong movement under way among the unions at present." "A movement? Strike, do you mean?" "It may be, or worse." McNish's tone was very grave. "And as a good union man they expect your assistance."