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But in spite of his courage and that of his captains beside him, Astor Manfredi made so good a defence that the besiegers were repulsed with great loss of men, while one of their bravest leaders, Honario Savella; was left behind in the trenches.

She was a full-breasted, soft-skinned woman, though not stout. "Make the cocktails then, Manfredi," she said. "Do you find this room very cold?" she asked of Aaron. "Not a bit cold," he said. "The stove goes all the time," she said, "but without much effect." "You wear such thin clothes," he said. "Ah, no, the stove should give heat enough. Do sit down. Will you smoke?

"There is precedent for a clan to give countenance to an off-worlder, and others have adopted our customs; our Earl Klaes and his family even use the clan-prefixes offered them by Shona." He paused, turning to Dana and smiling. "Dana Manfredi." Dana was startled to hear herself addressed, but she responded quickly. "Yes, Chief Killian?" "Will you accept Alanna's countenance?"

One of the spirits, of a noble aspect, but with a gaping wound in his forehead, stepped forth, and asked Dante if he remembered him. The poet humbly answering in the negative, the stranger disclosed a second wound, that was in his bosom; and then, with a smile, announced himself as Manfredi, king of Naples, who was slain in battle against Charles of Anjou, and died excommunicated.

Why Aaron should have had this thought, he could not for the life of him say. Manfredi, her husband, rolled his blue eyes and grimaced as he laughed at old Lanti. But it was obvious that his attention was diverted sideways, towards his wife. Aaron, who was tired of nursing a tea-cup, placed in on a table and resumed his seat in silence.

"How on earth have you learned to take it without a paroxysm?" cried the surprised Duchessa. "Oh, a thousand years ago I was in the Diplomatic Service," he explained. "It is one of the requirements." Emilia Manfredi lifted her big brown eyes, filled with girlish wonder, to his face, and exclaimed, "How extraordinary!"

On the twenty-sixth he wrote an urgent appeal for help. This the marquis did not refuse, but he sent him only a hundred men under the command of an Albanian. Thus do we see how these illegitimate dynasties of Italy were in danger of being overthrown by every breath. Faenza was the only place where the people loved their lord, the young and fair Astorre Manfredi, and remained true to him.

But in spite of his courage and that of his captains beside him, Astor Manfredi made so good a defence that the besiegers were repulsed with great loss of men, while one of their bravest leaders, Honario Savella; was left behind in the trenches.

This is the first of the letters regarding this subject in the archives of Modena. Ercole's letter to his ambassador in Florence, Manfredo Manfredi, April 25, 1501. Archives of Modena. Ferrari to Ercole, May 1, 1501. Girolamo Saerati to Ercole, Rome, May 8, 1501. Bartolomeo de' Cavallieri, Ferrarese ambassador to France, to Ercole, Chalons, May 26, 1501.

Manfredi," Killian said, startling Dana and startling her even more when he took her shoulders and steadied her as she obeyed. "I regret that I must continue to observe the formalities of treating you as an oathbreaker for the moment; custom, as you have shown you understand, should not be broken easily.