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This soul-suspension recalls Maeterlinck. A story of de Lenz that lends itself to quotation is about this piece: Tausig impressed me deeply in his interpretation of Chopin's Ballade in F minor.

One recalls Maurice Maeterlinck: "Whereas most of our life is passed far from blood, cries and swords, and the tears of men have become silent, invisible and almost spiritual." Chopin went from Poland to France from Warsaw to Paris where, finally, he was borne to his grave in Pere la Chaise. He lived, loved and died; and not for him were the perils, prizes and fascinations of a hero's career.

See The Life of the Bee by Maurice Maeterlinck; and for numerous similar cases among other animals, P. Kropotkin's Mutual Aid: a factor in Evolution. Let us then grant this preliminary assumption and it clearly is not a large or hazardous one and what follows?

Arliss as the old servant, was good; the acting was not sufficiently monotonous, with that fine monotony which is part of the secret of Maeterlinck. These busy actors occupied themselves in making points, instead of submitting passively to the passing through them of profound emotions, and the betrayal of these emotions in a few, reticent, and almost unwilling words.

"I don't know as I think they are so much above as too far to one side," said Flora. "Sometimes it's longitude, and sometimes it's latitude that separates people. I don't know but we are just as far from Ibsen and Maeterlinck as they are from us." Louisa and I thought Flora might be right. At all events, we did not wish to set ourselves up in opposition to her.

Would there be any sense in his loading up his shelves with Maeterlinck and Shaw when the department-store trade wants Eleanor Porter and the Tarzan stuff? Does a country grocer carry the same cigars that are listed on the wine card of a Fifth Avenue hotel? Of course not. He gets in the cigars that his trade enjoys and is accustomed to. MIFFLIN A fig for the ordinary rules of commerce!

I say to you, sir, she can tell you as much now about scientific bee-culture as any naturalist you ever knew. Actually quoted Huber to me the other day, and Maeterlinck's 'Life of the Bee! Think of a fourteen-year-old girl quoting Maeterlinck!

"To every man," wrote Maeterlinck, "there come noble thoughts, thoughts that pass across his heart like great white birds."

"Ruysbröck?" he thought "perhaps, and yet I hardly am sure I might put him in my bag as well as for a cordial the little collection distilled by Hello; as for the Spiritual Marriages, so well translated by Maeterlinck, they are disconnected and obscure, they stifle me, this Ruysbröck oppresses me less.

Even when I tell you that she uses such words as 'swell, and 'perfect lady, and that she asked me who Phillips Brooks was, and had never heard of William Morris or Maeterlinck you can really form no idea of her ignorance!