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I had the overshoes wrapped up as a parcel and packed them back to the ranch and burnt them and Drinkwater's boots." "How about that Savage automatic?" said Yorke, "the one you shot those dogs with yesterday? We've got your Luger, but where's the Savage gun?" "Oh, yes!" replied Gully wearily, "of course I had two guns.

He nodded to Cheyenne, but his interest was centered on Bartley and the Luger. "It's Jimmy my boy," said Cheyenne. "His Aunt Jane lives over yonder, a piece." "Why, hello!" exclaimed Bartley, laying the pistol aside. And he stepped up and shook hands with the boy, who grinned. "How's the folks?" queried Cheyenne. "All right. That there is a Luger gun, ain't it?" "Yes," said Bartley.

Slowly the night dragged through for the two grim, haggard sentinels. Thrice during their vigil had their desperate quarry exercised his marksmanship upon them with his deadly Luger. Seemingly only by a miracle did they escape each time. The sergeant had his hat perforated in similar fashion to his companions. Yorke had a shoulder-strap torn from his stable-jacket.

His momentary lack of vigilance proved well-nigh his own undoing, also. Crack! spat the Luger again from the window. His hat whirled from his head, but he kept his presence of mind. It was not the first time by many that Yorke had been under fire.

He was obviously a person of authority, and the authority was made plain by the Luger automatic pistol he held in his hand. The Arabs crowded together, hands high. Then, at another sharply spoken Arabic phrase, they all lay face down on the floor, arms stretched out before them. At that moment the newcomer's eyes caught sight of the broken kitten on the stone floor.

The sound came from the southern end of the building. Then they heard Redmond's voice ring out sharply from the bank: "No use, Gully! I've got you covered! You can't make it from there! You'd better give in, man." There was an instant's silence, then crack! came the crisp report of the Luger.

Owen," said Pete, smiling in spite of himself. "That's the idea only make it Jim. Did you ever use one of these?" And suddenly Sheriff Owen had a Luger automatic in his hand. Pete wondered that a man as fat as the little sheriff could pull a gun so quickly. "Why no. I ain't got no use for one of them doggone stutterin' smoke-wagons."

"Not much, Captain. Simply permission to go at once and to take a box of ammunition specially placed on board for my Luger automatic pistol. I shall send a boy each morning with any news that should interest you and to receive any information you care to give me regarding the future sailing of the ship." "All right, Vandersee. You may go.

Jimmy was romancing, with the recently discussed subject of beaux in mind. When Little Jim informed the household that his father and another man were coming over, that evening, Uncle Frank asked who the other man was. Little Jim described Bartley and told about the wonderful Luger gun. "My dad is huntin' his hosses," he said. "And I know who's got 'em!"

Remember, every one is apt to shoot high in the dark." The lights approached slowly. When they were twenty-five yards away, Lieutenant McCready spoke. The quiet was shattered by the roar of two Luger pistols. Again and again the guns barked. A volley of fire came from the tunnel, but Carnes and the lieutenant were standing well away from the opening and they escaped unharmed.