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One day, while this scheme was pending, Johnson being at the house of Sir Joshua Reynolds, was overcome by the tenderness of his friends, and by the near view, as he thought, of this long-hoped Italian tour being effected, and exclaimed with much emotion, "God bless you all;" and then, after a short silence, again repeating the words in a form yet more solemn, was no longer able to command his feelings, but hurried away to regain his composure in solitude.

My suit is prospering, and at length the long-sought, long-hoped for moment is come " "Well, Harry," said Kilkee, as he dashed open the door. "Well, Harry, how are you, better than last night, I hope?" "Oh yes, considerably. In fact, I can't think what could have been the matter with me; but I felt confoundedly uncomfortable." "You did! Why, man, what can you mean; was it not a joke?"

Carrie read it with a tingling body: "The part of Katisha, the country maid, in 'The Wives of Abdul' at the Broadway, heretofore played by Inez Carew, will be hereafter filled by Carrie Madenda, one of the cleverest members of the chorus." Carrie hugged herself with delight. Oh, wasn't it just fine! At last! The first, the long-hoped for, the delightful notice! And they called her clever.

For there before me, hedged about by wild figures and brandished steel, with slender hands tight-clasped together, with vivid lips apart and eyes wide, I thought to behold at last my beloved Damaris, my Joan, my dear, dear lady; but knowing this false, I laughed and shook my head. "Deluding vision," said I, "blest sight long-hoped and prayed for why plague me now?"

Leaping to my feet I grasped Downes roughly by the neck and dragged him out of his blankets. He didn't need to be told what caused my excitement, for the instant he was awake he, too, heard the long-hoped for click, and with a whoop of delight pounced upon the instrument.

I will begin with my account from the last letter I wrote you, in which I enclosed my poor stuff of verses; and continue it at times, as I have opportunity; though, as I said, I know not how it can reach you. The long-hoped for Thursday morning came, when I was to set out.

Carrie read it with a tingling body: "The part of Katisha, the country maid, in 'The Wives of Abdul' at the Broadway, heretofore played by Inez Carew, will be hereafter filled by Carrie Madenda, one of the cleverest members of the chorus." Carrie hugged herself with delight. Oh, wasn't it just fine! At last! The first, the long-hoped for, the delightful notice! And they called her clever.

My suit is prospering, and at length the long-sought, long-hoped for moment is come " "Well, Harry," said Kilkee, as he dashed open the door. "Well, Harry, how are you, better than last night, I hope?" "Oh yes, considerably. In fact, I can't think what could have been the matter with me; but I felt confoundedly uncomfortable." "You did! Why, man, what can you mean; was it not a joke?"