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I've heard folks laugh many a time over the children recitin' the Ten Commandments Sunday evenin's, and Jerry would holler at 'em when they got through and say: "'The 'leventh commandment for Kentuckians is, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers," and never mind about 'em turnin' out to be angels. Plain folks is good enough for me.

Bears spout water out of their mouths in the fountains, they have dead ones in their museums, and they have a big bear den down by the river where great live ones can growl and act all they want to. And bears show off in a wonderful clock tower they have built way back in the 'leventh century. I never see Tommy so delighted with anything hardly as he wuz with that, and Josiah too.

But my 'leventh is my last; the Great Father in Washin'ton gets tired with us an' he sends his walk-a-heaps an' buffalo soldiers' these savages calls niggers 'buffalo soldiers, bein' they're that woolly 'an' makes us love peace. Which we'd a-had the Utes too dead to skin if it ain't for the walk-a-heaps an' buffalo soldiers.

"'Why oh, 'leven', s'I, 'that ain't a name at all. That's a number. "'I know it, s'she, indiffer'nt, 'that was me. I was the 'leventh, an' they'd run out a'ready. "'For the land, s'I, simple. "An' that just about summed her up. They seemed to 'a' run out o' everything, time she come. "She hadn't been taught a thing but eat an' drink. Them was her only arts.

The colloquy there was distinctly audible: "Mr. Bayard Shaynon?" "'Leventh floor. Hurry up don't keep the elevator waitin'." "Ah ferget it!" Whistling softly, the man with the yellow envelope ambled nonchalantly into the cage; fixed the operator with a truculent stare, and demanded the eleventh floor. Now Peter Kenny's rooms were on the twelfth....