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Duetto: Seiner Lehre heller Schein, Drang in tausend Herzen ein, Drang in tausend Herzen ein. Pause: Zwingel kam Und Calvin, Traten auf in Christi Sinn; Duetto: Und verbreiten Licht und Heil Segensvoll in ihrem Teil. Ganzer Chor: Millionen feiern heut', Dankbar froh' im hoeh'ren Ton, Dieses Fest dem Menschensohn." Reformed and Lutheran Minutes on Lancaster Seminary.

This is obvious from the very title of Ritschl's great book, Die Christliche Lehre von der Rechtfertigung und Versöhnung. Of this work the first edition of the third and significant volume was published in 1874. Before that time the formal treatises on theology had followed a traditional order of topics.

His works, Die Christliche Lehre von der Vereöhnung, 1838, Die Christliche Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit und Menschwerdung Gottes, 1841-1843, his Lehrbuch der Christlichen Dogmengeschichte, 1847, together constitute a contribution to which Harnack's work in our own time alone furnishes a parallel. Baur had begun his thorough biblical studies before the publication of Strauss' book.

Pfeisterrer, G. F. Luthers Lehre von der Beichte, 1857. Klieftoth, Th. Lit. Abhandlungen, 2: Die Beichte und Absolution, 1856. Fischer, E., Zur Geschichte der evangelischen Beichte, 2 vols., 1902-1903. Rietschel, G., Lehrbuch der Liturgik, vol 2, particularly secs. 44, 45, Luthers Affassung der Beichte and Luthers Auffassung von der Absolution. Henry E. Jacobs. Mount Airy, Philadelphia.

Geniesze wer nicht glauben kann. Die Lehre Ist ewig wie die Welt. Wer glauben kann entbehre. Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht. When these poems were published, in 1786, their author saw fit to caution the public in a foot-note not to mistake an ebullition of passion for a system of philosophy, or the despair of an imaginary lover for the poet's confession of faith.

In the words of Helmholtz,<1> consonance is a continuous, dissonance an intermittent, tone-sensation. <1> Lehre v.d. Tonempfindungen, p. 370, in 4th edition. Aside from the fact that consonance, as a psychological fact, seems positive, while this determination is negative, two very important facts can be set up in opposition.

Nedich, Die Lehre von der Quantifikation des Prädikats in vol. iii. of Wundt's Philosophische Studien; L. Liard, Les Logiciens Anglais Contemporains, 1878; Al. Later years, however, have brought increasing interest in German speculation, and much of recent thinking shows the influence of Kantian and Hegelian principles.

On Federal Government, see Jellinek's Die Lehre von den Staatenverbindungen; and Hart's Introduction to the Study of Federal Government, Harvard Historical Monographs, No. 2. Besides giving an outline of the political history of the successive federations in the world's history, with an account of the literature upon each, Mr.

As early as 1899 in an address at the University on, Die Lehre vom Organismus und ihre Beziehung zur Sozialwissenschaft, Hertwig gave expression to views which are very little in harmony with the doctrines proceeding from Jena, and which are also put forth in his manual, The Cell and the Tissue.

With bees the pollen- collecting apparatus is used by the female alone for gathering pollen for the larvae, yet in most of the species it is partially developed in the males to whom it is quite useless, and it is perfectly developed in the males of Bombus or the humble-bee. H. Muller, 'Anwendung der Darwin'schen Lehre, etc., Verh. d. n.