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"She is pretty near on the top of the sand." "The only way we have a chance of helping her is by laying-to, or anchoring on the edge of the sand to leeward of her. They may be able to drift a line down to us. I do not see any other way. Our anchors wouldn't hold to windward of her." "No; I suppose that is the best way, Tom.

To one of the ten left on deck Jack turned and said: “You will take charge, Mr. Surles. Assume all the responsibilities of the officer of the deck.” In all, five of the midshipmen had commanded briefly before the laying-to signal was given. Hal Hastings then appeared on deck.

As I address myself principally, if not altogether, to persons who have never been to sea, it may be as well to state the exact condition of a vessel under such circumstances. Lying-to, or, in sea-parlance, "laying-to," is a measure resorted to for various purposes, and effected in various manners.

It was his own fault if he were not enjoying such fair society, while they, poor devils, were buffeting with the winds, which had come on more violently than ever. Peregrine broke in with a question about the vessels in sight. There was an East Indiaman, Dutch it was supposed, laying-to, that was the cause of much excitement.

In all, five of the midshipmen commanded, briefly, before the laying-to signal was given out at sea. Hal Hastings now appeared on deck, gravely saluting. "Captain Benson," he stated, "I have inspected all the submerging machinery, the tanks, the compressed air apparatus, and all, and find everything in good order. We can go below the surface at any moment."

The fish had undoubtedly taken to sea. Laying-to to check one of the last of the few remaining boats which rode at anchor, Dickie consulted her tally-sheet and shook her head. "Not much in this," she averred. "It's a losing game so far. And there's only Big Jack with the Albatross yet to hear from. We ought to find him cruising off the seal rocks.

"That's just it. Laying-to now ain't going to save anybody's life, and he knows it. He's doin' it for show, just for a clean record in the log, and to satisfy you people here, who'd kick up a row if he didn't." "Then you believe he's lost?" said Miss Keene, with glistening eyes. "There ain't a doubt of it," returned Winslow shortly. "I don't agree with you," said a gentle voice.

The latter, engaged, as appearances indicated, in the process of "trying-out" the blubber of some whale lately harpooned, was "laying-to" against the wind; and, of course not making much way, nor caring to make it, through the water.

Captain Pomery here was in two minds about laying-to and waiting for a breeze; but a light slant of wind encouraged him to carry the Gauntlet through. It bore us between the invisible strait, and for a score of sea-miles beyond; then, as casually as it had helped, it deserted us. Day broke and discovered us with the Moorish coast low on our starboard horizon. To Mr. Fett and Mr.

Then they all climbed into the ship, and sitting well in order on the benches, smote the sea with their oars, laying-to right lustily, that they might the sooner get away from the accursed land.