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On the wall the different noble families who belong here, or have money invested here, have their shields containing their coats of arms on the wall. Into this grand church have been wrought the religious ideas of the church people for years, at the cost of L100,000, and there is an immense golden angel on the point of a gable calling with two trumpets for L25,000 more to finish it.

R. Creed, I remember, said, that he looked upon it as if they had said, that all God's people should depart the town. Thence with some sea officers to the Swan, where we drank wine till one comes to me to pay me some money from Worcester, viz., L25. His name is Wilday. I sat in another room and took my money and drank with him till the rest of my company were gone and so we parted.

These are the figures paid by the planter: L20 to the recruiter for getting the Kanaka or "catching" him, as the missionary phrase goes; L3 to the Queensland government for "superintending" the importation; L5 deposited with the Government for the Kanaka's passage home when his three years are up, in case he shall live that long; about L25 to the Kanaka himself for three years' wages and clothing; total payment for the use of a man three years, L53; or, including diet, L60.

Moore for a L32, a good while lying in my hand of my Lord Privy Seal's which he for the odd L7 do give me a bond to secure me against, and so I got L25 clear. Then, he being gone, to the office and there late setting down yesterday's remarkable discourses, and so home and to supper, late, and to bed. The Queene, I hear, is now very well again, and that she hath bespoke herself a new gowne. 11th.

L4 12s. 6d. paid up; and they'll be at L25 in Truro before sun sets on Saturday, Lord love you, Mr. Scott, now's your time. If, as I hear, they and then there was a very low whisper, and Alaric, who could not keep his eye altogether from Mr.

Here I saw my Lord Generall's picture, and my Lord Arlington and Ashly's, and several others; but among the rest one Swinfen, that was Secretary to my Lord Manchester, Lord Chamberlain, with Cooling, done so admirably as I never saw any thing: but the misery was, this fellow died in debt, and never paid Cooper for his picture; but, it being seized on by his creditors, among his other goods, after his death, Cooper himself says that he did buy it, and give L25 out of his purse for it, for what he was to have had but L30.

One day she received a letter from the Governor conveying to her, with the "deep thanks of the Government," a gift of L25 to herself, in recognition of her work. The letter she valued more than the money, which she would only accept as a contribution towards her home for women. All the sums were handed over to Mr. Wilkie or Mr.

When Thomas Legh is fairly dealt with, Thomas Legh deals fairly, no man can say otherwise. This afternoon I will bring the deed, and you'll give me that L25 in charge." Then, followed by Cicely, he returned to where the Prioress sat, and said

The charge made by the companies to consumers is about 6d. per 1,000 gallons, or L25 per million gallons. It has been found that water can on a large scale be softened from 14 deg. hardness to 5 deg. at a cost of 20s. per million gallons that is, 10 per cent. on the cost of the water to the companies, or 4 per cent. as the price charged to consumers.