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If I want to read "The Pilgrim's Progress," of course I read it in John Bunyan's good English. Then why must I ruin myself to acquire "Voyage d'un Chrestien vers l'Eternite. Ecrit en Anglois, par Monsieur Bunjan, F.M., en Bedtfort, et nouvellement traduit en Francois.

"`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "You know that, brother?" she said breathlessly. "Do you, Lady?" asked the monk as Philippa felt, with a deeper than the merely literal meaning. "I know the `ancor soyf aura," she said, mournfully; "I have not reached beyond that."

"`O retributio! stat brevis actio, vita perennis; O retributio! caelica mansio stat lue plenis." "How blessed an exchange, how grand a reward! I trust God, but thou seest Him. I believe He hath done well, with thee, as with me, but thou knowest it." "`Jamais soyf n'auras A l'eternite!" Baudekyn, the richest variety of this rich silk, in which threads of gold were probably intermingled.

Elaine hesitated a moment; but another glance at Philippa's smiling face seemed to reassure her, and she sang, in a low voice, to a sweet, weird tune: "`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "This must be very widely known," thought Philippa. "Who taught thee that the holy sisters?" she asked of the child.

At length she succeeded in making out a rude rhyme or measure, in the Norman-French which was to her more familiar than English. "Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mais quy de cette eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamais soif n'aura A l'eternite." Devices of the mediaeval period were parted into two divisions religious and amatory.

Pour moy, si Dieu me fait la grace d'aller au Ciel, ie prieray Dieu pour eux, pour les pauures Hurons, et n'oublieray pas Vostre Reuerence. "Apres tout, nous supplions V. R. et tous nos Peres de ne nous oublier en leurs saincts Sacrifices et prieres, afin qu'en la vie et apres la mort, il nous fasse misericorde; nous sommes tous en la vie et a l'Eternite,

L'art robust seul a l'éternité, precisely as Gautier points out, with bracing common-sense; and it is excellent thus to comprehend that to-day, as always, only through exercise of the auctorial virtues of distinction and clarity, of beauty and symmetry, of tenderness and truth and urbanity, may a man in reason attempt to insure his books against oblivion's voracity.

Mother, all my life I have been drinking of many wells, but I never yet came to this Well. `Ancor soyf j'ay: tell me how I must labour, where I must go, to find that Well whereof the drinker "`Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite'?" "Who taught you those lines?" asked the eremitess quickly. "I found them in the device of a jewel," replied Philippa.