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That man of mud took my wind, as he called it, and I was laid gasping upon the floor. It was in this fashion that he repulsed me me a Count of l'ancien régime. I could have his blood." I soothed Froissart, and extracted enough from him in rapid French spasms his idiomatic staccato French is often beyond my understanding to give me a general idea of what Dawson had done.

She asserts that, though there may be women distinguished as writers in England, there are no ladies who have any great conversational and political influence in society, of that kind which, during l'ancien regime, was obtained in France by what they would call their femmes marquantes, such as Madame de Tencin, Madame du Deffand, Mademoiselle de l'Espinasse.

"I never thought you loved him, but I thought you would marry him. French marriages, you know, according to l'ancien regime, in which you were brought up, were never supposed to be affairs of the heart, but mere alliances of interest, pride, or convenience." "Yes des mariages de convenance," said Emilie.

For the student familiar with French, an excellent book is Albert Babeau, Le Village sous l'ancien Régime, Paris, 1879; see also Tocqueville, L'ancien Régime et la Révolution, 7th ed., Paris, 1866.

SPECIAL STUDIES OF SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN OTHER COUNTRIES. For Scotland: H. G. Graham, Social Life in Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols. . For Hungary: Henry Marczali, Hungary in the Eighteenth Century . For Russia: James Mavor, An Economic History of Russia, Vol. For Spain: Georges Desdevises du Dezert, L'Espagne de l'ancien regime, 3 vols.

A. Babeau, La ville sous l'ancien regime, Paris, 1880. Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koln, i. 491, 492, also texts. Likeness and diversity among the medieval cities. The craftguilds: State-attributes in each of them. Attitude of the city towards the peasants; attempts to free them. The lords. Results achieved by the medieval city: in arts, in learning. Causes of decay.

Without his hooded cloak he looked like a peasant. Half a dozen hands would be extended to help him on board, but afterward he was left pretty much to his own thoughts. Of course he never did any work, except, perhaps, to cast off some rope when hailed, "He, l'Ancien! let go the halyards there, at your hand" or some such request of an easy kind.

The abbe, become a member of the Committee of Public Safety, denounced Mad. de Fleury, in the strange jargon of the day, as "the fosterer of a swarm of bad citizens, who were nourished in the anticivic prejudices de l'ancien regime, and fostered in the most detestable superstitions, in defiance of the law."

"Father would say I was 'fey, and should pay for all this fun with a bad headache or some misfortune. Come, give me the French 'David Copperfield, and let me read you how 'Barkis Veut Bien, and 'Mrs. Gummidge a Pense de l'Ancien." The reading was more exquisitely ludicrous to Erica herself than to her hearers.

Beatrice Eleanora, the Queen of James II., was always upon such good terms with Maintenon that it is impossible to believe our late King was ever fond of her. I have seen a book, entitled "L'ancien Ward protecteur du nouveau," in 12mo, in which is related a gallantry between the Queen and the Pere la Chaise.