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So I told Marian she could explain to her people I had gone home instead, and that she was to be sure to make it seem all right, so they wouldn't write to Miss Button. And then the train stopped at Blackheath, and I jumped straight out, and she went on to Katoomba, and I came home. That's all. Only, you see, as I'd lost my money there was nothing left for it but to walk."

Entertainments and gaieties again made the place lively. Mrs. Strong describes one of these affairs in a letter to Mr. "I suppose Louis will write and tell you of the grand day we had here when the sailors of the Katoomba were invited up here to play.

Then she struggled up to a sitting position and actually began to laugh. "IF the Miss Burtons could see me!" she said. "Oh, I've managed everything so beautifully; they think I'm spending a fortnight at Katoomba oh, BUNTY, you ought to see the curls Miss Marian Burton wears plastered at each side of her cheeks!"

And get into a fearful row at school into the bargain. My plan is beautifully simple. After I've had a week's fun here with you I shall just go back you can all lend me some money for the train. I shall just meet Marian at Katoomba on the 25th; we shall both go back to school together, and no one will be a bit the wiser.

Well, he wrote back and said 'no' to me and 'yes' to her. So one day they put us in the train safely, and we were to be met at Katoomba. And the thought jumped into my head as we went along: Why ever shouldn't I come home on the quiet?

Pip asked. "It's a wonder they've not written to the pater to say you have skedaddled." "Oh! Marian and I made that all safe," Judy said, with a smile of recollective pleasure. "Marian's my chum, you see, and does anything I tell her. And she lives at Katoomba." "Well?" said Meg, mystified, as her sister paused.