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Before the reign of this prince, the Russians paid tribute to the Tartars; but they have now conquered a country called Kasan, which is 500 miles to the east of Moscow, and the chief city of which lies on the left bank of the Wolga, in descending towards the sea of Bochri, or the Caspian . This country of Kasan enjoys considerable trade, especially in furs, of which large quantities are carried from thence by way of Moscow to Poland, Prussia, and Flanders.

In 1469, after collecting a large army, Ivan halted and began negotiating. But the army was not to be restrained. Disregarding the orders of their general, they chose another leader, and assailed and captured Kasan, the chief Tartar city. As for the army of the Golden Horde, it was twice defeated by the Russian force.

"Yes, Feodor certainly isn't aware that his daughter's idea was to applaud the heroine of Kasan station. She is certainly made of stern stuff, my word," said Athanase. "Natacha, you must remember, is a student," said Thaddeus, shaking his head; "a true student. They have misfortunes like that now in so many families.

In 1903, the Holy Synod received 28,388,049 roubles from the Imperial budget, besides other revenue and gifts. The Empire is divided into 15 educational districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kasan, Orenburg, Kharkoff, Odessa, Kief, Vilna, Warsaw, Riga, Caucasus, Turkestan, West Siberia, East Siberia and Amur.

It is true that a second route the one of which Michael had just spoken avoiding the slight detour by Perm, also connects Kasan with Ishim. It is perhaps shorter than the other, but this advantage is much diminished by the absence of post-houses, the bad roads, and lack of villages.

The connection of these great sheets of water with these active volcanic eruptions in Hungary has been pointed out by the late Dr. Daubeny. The gorge of Kasan, and the ridge about 700 feet above the present surface of the stream, appear to have once barred the passage of the river.

Kasan is on the main line of communication between Central Russia and Siberia. The travellers bound to that bourne embark here on steamers that go down the Volga as far as its confluence with the Kama, a tributary stream, and thence ascend the Kama, which is navigable all the way to Perm.

"As a gypsy!" exclaimed Michael, almost involuntarily, and he suddenly remembered the look of the old Bohemian at Nijni-Novgorod, his voyage on board the Caucasus, and his disembarking at Kasan. "Just well enough to make a few remarks on the subject in a letter to my cousin," replied Alcide, smiling. "You lost no time at Kasan," dryly observed the Englishman.

It was he who, during the night, on the fair-ground had uttered that singular sentence, which Michael Strogoff could not understand; it was he who was voyaging on board the Caucasus, with the whole of the Bohemian band; it was he who, by this other route, from Kasan to Ichim, across the Urals, had reached Omsk, where now he held supreme authority.

Consequences of trying to buy a horse An expedition into Servia Fine scenery The peasants of New Moldova Szechenyi road Geology of the defile of Kasan Crossing the Danube Milanovacz-Drive to Maidenpek Fearful storm in the mountains Miserable quarters for the night Extent of this storm The disastrous effects of the same storm at Buda-Pest Great loss of life.