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It occurred to us, furthermore, that it is a dolorous thing to live on a lonely little island, tied up like a wart on the face of civilization, no healthful stream of life coming and going from the great body of the main land, the same moral air to be breathed over and over again, without renewal, the same social elements turned and returned in one tiresome kaleidoscope.

It was a whole community of mistrustful couples insulated in private houses or private rooms, always in couples, and no further life, no further immediate, no disinterested relationship admitted: a kaleidoscope of couples, disjoined, separatist, meaningless entities of married couples.

If one hundred photographs of the map of Europe could be taken, each photograph representing in colors the various countries as they appeared upon the map at one hundred different times, and if those hundred photographs could be put on films and shown as a moving-picture on a screen, the result would resemble the shifting colored pieces in a kaleidoscope.

Adventure had followed so fast upon adventure that he was in a more or less dazed condition, and felt as little capable of connecting event with event as if he had been asked to recall the changing pictures of a kaleidoscope. That affair of the packet, now, was it or was it not serious, and would he ever know what it meant or how it turned out?

She wears all the colours of the rainbow, and looks like a walking kaleidoscope... Whitey! Oh, Whitey!" The weak voice rose to a squeal of excitement, and the nurse bent forward curiously to discover the reason of so much agitation.

The people became the rulers and the accident of birth carried no rank, conferred no privilege. We see the loosely joined colonies building a nation which contained these elements of greatness little dreamed of by those hardy pioneers who so generously gave up their offering of blood on Freedom's altar. The kaleidoscope still turns.

Sometimes these paths seemed to stop flush against the clouds. Nearer stretched flower-beds so brilliant that you would have thought a kaleidoscope had broken on the ground. Birds, like living jewels, flew in and out through the tree-branches. They sang so hard that it seemed to Klara they must burst their little throats.

The whole world then is like a huge kaleidoscope turning round and round and, as it turns, the manifold elements in human experience, even its religious doctrines and practices, arrange and rearrange themselves in endless permutations.

Few plays of much value, one may guess, have resulted from such an abstract impulse. Invention, in these cases, is apt to be nothing but recollection in disguise, the shaking of a kaleidoscope formed of fragmentary reminiscences. I remember once, in some momentary access of ambition, trying to invent a play.

For he could only imagine that Doris had reconsidered her refusal of the invitation which had originally included them both, and either tired of being left alone, or angry with him for not writing had devised this coup de main, this violent shake to the kaleidoscope. But what an extraordinary step! It could only cover them both with ridicule. His cheeks were already burning.