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On the 29th July they made their first appearance in five kaiaks, which they managed with great dexterity, and seemed highly delighted with Erhardt, who, from his knowledge of the Greenlandish, could make himself understood by them. They exchanged some whale fins for knives. July 31 they came to anchor 55 deg. 31 m.

Supposing that this alluded to their own murders, some of their countrymen appeared startled, and cried out, "Ah! that is true, we are sinners, and old murderers; but we will never more carry concealed knives, either under our arms or under our clothes; and we shall never have bows and arrows hid in our kaiaks, because the Lord in heaven has said, Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed.

Next morning another boat arrived, and brought Adam and Isaac, both dead, though they had yesterday been both fishing in their kaiaks; the four dead bodies were obliged to be immediately buried, as they quickly showed signs of corruption. The same evening, Daniel brought in his boat four dying persons; at five o'clock the younger, Mark, died.

When they approached Cape Charles, they never ventured farther, till they reconnoitred during the dark in their kaiaks, and ascertained whether there were any Europeans on the north side of Chateau Bay; if they found none, they advanced in the night, or in foggy weather, to the three islands that lie in the mouth of the bay, whence they, under cloud of night, examined the bay itself.

The Esquimaux were also deprived of their usual supply of food by the early winter, which prevented them from taking many seals, either by the net or in kaiaks; but, as not unfrequently happened in their times of extremity, they were successful in killing a whale, which preserved from suffering much from famine, and for which they joined their teachers in returning thanks to their heavenly Father.

If, however, the Europeans did not allow themselves to be frightened by the unexpected cry, but received them in a friendly manner, and made offer to trade, the Esquimaux would agree with seeming cordiality; and having sent off their boats and families, the men returned in their kaiaks bringing a few whale-fins to sell, and entered upon a very amicable-like traffic.

The general course of the mission for some time continued pretty uniform, the meetings were always well attended, and so great was the desire of the people to be present, that some came at the hazard of their lives; especially the sisters, who, when they had no boat of their own, would venture across bays some miles in breadth, sitting behind their husbands on their narrow kaiaks.

"Yes and they invented one thing after another to meet the new conditions kaiaks and bidarras and ivory-tipped harpoons" he was pouring out his new notions at the fastest express rate "and the animals that couldn't stand it emigrated, and those that stayed behind got changed " "Dry up." "One at a time." "Buffon "

You have the same mode of living that we have; you go out in your kaiaks as we do; you have the same method of procuring your livelihood as we have; our Saviour has given you teachers, as he has given us: be thankful to him that they make known to you his precious words, and all his deeds, which are full of life and happiness.

When they arrived on the coast, Haven for the first time saw the Esquimaux rowing about in their kaiaks, but none were permitted to approach without being fired upon, so great was the dread these savages had inspired.