United States or Oman ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Fabens made every exertion in their power to mitigate the griefs of the neighborhood; and they influenced several to join them in missions and labors of relief and love.

Still less was he inclined to join or immediately follow him, but he was relieved when his host, instead of taking the direct road to the rancho, through the wild oats, turned off in the direction of the corral. A moment later Clarence wheeled into the direct road, and presently found himself in the long afternoon shadows through the thickest of the grain.

"Ecarte is so devilish dull," said St. George; "and it is such a trouble to deal." "I will deal for both, if you like," said De Boeffleurs; "I am used to dealing." "Oh! no, I won't play ecarte; let us have something in which we can all join." "Rouge-et-noir," suggested the Chevalier, in a careless tone, as if he had no taste for the amusement. "There is not enough, is there?" asked St. George.

It seems that Buckheath took advantage of the feeling there was in the mountains against the mill men on account of the hospital and some other matters. He went up there and interviewed anybody that he thought might join him in a vendetta.

Governor after Governor, in State after State, issued proclamation after proclamation, calling together their respective Legislatures, to consider the situation and whether their respective States should join South Carolina in seceding from the Union. Kentucky alone, of them all, seemed for a time to keep cool, and look calmly and reasonably through the Southern ferment to the horrors beyond.

"Even if our strange fellow was here, he is here no longer, and moreover, he has succeeded in getting away without leaving any trace," young Holmes continued. "So I'm going to join the delegation that returns to camp." Only Dick and Dave were left standing there by the cleft rock. The sun had sunk below the horizon, but the light was still strong.

Then as the three boys once more started to make their tortuous way along, avoiding all manner of obstacles, Max went on to say: "Pretty hard to believe that's our old friend the Evergreen River, generally so clear and pretty in the summer time, and with such good fishing in places up near where the Big Sunflower and the Elder branches join.

Having landed his troops, and sent back the ships to join the rest of the fleet at Oricum, whence he had come, he marched his troops at a distance from the river, by a way not guarded at all by the king's party, and entered the city by night, so that none of the enemy perceived him.

It seems to me that when paddling up that stream at night, between the wooded banks, there will be less chance of being discovered by enemies than when travelling overland, as you contemplate." "I am favorably impressed with your plan; do I understand you to invite us to join your party?"

"Of course," said Henry. "And now that this task is finished, I'll go back to prison with my comrades." "It's unnecessary for you to join them there," said the merchant still laughing in his pleasure. "I'll have them out to join you, and that speedily, too. Go into the next room and sleep. You've earned the right to it."