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Thus it came about that one-half of the adult male population of the Lesser Isisi, had sworn by the letting of blood and the rubbing of salt: To hop upon one foot for a spear's length every night and morning. To love all ghosts and speak gently of devils. To be dumb and blind and to throw spears swiftly for the love of the White Ghosts.

"I carry spears to a Dance of Rejoicing," he said significantly, "else I would not Dance or Rejoice." M'fosa showed his teeth, and his eyes were filled with hateful fires. His other invitation was more successful. Hamilton of the Houssas was at the Isisi city when the deputation called upon him. "Here's a chance for you, Bones," he said.

"Oh, yes, I shall come back again," said Sanders, answering the question in the tune. "I hope things will go well in my absence." "How can they go well?" asked Hamilton, gently. "How can the Isisi live, or the Akasava sow his barbarous potatoes, or the sun shine, or the river run when Sandi Sitani is no longer in the land?"

Now, it was singularly unfortunate that the question was ever debatable. And yet it was, for the fishing ground in question was off one of the many Middle Islands. In this case the island was occupied by Akasava fishermen on the one shore and by the intruding Isisi on the other.

The People of the Well crossed to the Isisi, using the canoes of the Akasava headmen, and made a slow progress through territory which gave them no opportunity of exercising their hobby, since water lay less than a spade's length beneath the driest ground.

"An infernal Bim-bi palaver," said Sanders; "the last time that happened, if I remember rightly, I had to burn crops on the right bank of the river for twenty miles to bring the Isisi to a sense of their unimportance." "You will be able to burn crops on the left side this time," said Hamilton, cheerfully, his nimble fingers twiddling the silver rollers of his machine.

"Watch the Isisi and sit on Bosambo especially Bosambo, for he is a mighty slippery devil." "Leave me to deal with Bosambo," said Hamilton firmly, as he skipped down the companion to the big boat that rolled and tumbled under the coarse skin of the ship. "I am leaving you," said Sanders, with a chuckle.

Now, no man swears by his mother unless he is speaking straightly, and Hamilton understood. "Never have I spoken of this to the Chief of the Isisi," Iberi went on, "nor he to me, yet we know because of certain wise sayings that the treasure stays and young men of our houses have searched very diligently though secretly.

"O Bosambo," said he, "there is no money for this palaver, but a green crocodile I must have because the evil people of the Lower Isisi say I have put a spell on their land because I slew the Green One, M'zooba, also this crocodile must I have before the moon is due. My Lord M'ilitani has sent me many powerful messages to this effect." This was another matter, and Bosambo looked dubious.

An envoy came to the Ochori country bearing green branches of the Isisi palm, which signifies peace, and at the head of the mission for mission it was came M'fosa. "Lord Bosambo," said the man who limped, "N'gori the chief, my father, has sent me, for he desires your friendship and help; also your loving countenance at his great feast." "Oh, oh!" said Bosambo, drily, "what king's feast is this?"