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"I can't help my face," sighed Danny Grin. "You see, Dave," Mr. Dalzell observed, with a smile, "Dan inherited his face." "From his father's side of the family," promptly interposed Mrs. Dalzell. Here Mr. Farley, also in cits., entered the parlor in his dignified fashion. "Darry, and you, too, Danny Grin, some of the fellows are waiting outside to see you. Will you step out a moment?"

A permanent depression in the bridge of his nose was inherited from a dying father what time the son mildly petitioned for a division of the estate to which he and his seventeen brothers were about to become the heirs.

A great stride in the development of the intellect will have followed, as soon as the half-art and half-instinct of language came into use; for the continued use of language will have reacted on the brain and produced an inherited effect; and this again will have reacted on the improvement of language. As Mr.

For Demi inherited a trifle of his sire's firmness of character, we won't call it obstinacy, and when he made up his little mind to have or to do anything, all the king's horses and all the king's men could not change that pertinacious little mind. Mamma thought the dear too young to be taught to conquer his prejudices, but Papa believed that it never was too soon to learn obedience.

I'm 'Julian' to her brother and he's 'Brian' to me." "I certainly do think she might," said Father Beckett, with that slow, pleasant smile which Jim inherited from him. It's late at night again no, early to-morrow morning, just about the hour when to-morrow's war-bread is being baked by to-night's war-bakers.

Popinot's inherited fortune was a thousand crowns a year. His wife, sister to M. Bianchon Senior, a doctor at Sancerre, had brought him about twice as much. She, dying five years since, had left her fortune to her husband.

His son, Ferdinand III., who, a few months before his father's death, had been raised to the dignity of King of the Romans, inherited his throne, his principles, and the war which he had caused. But Ferdinand III. had been a closer witness of the sufferings of the people, and the devastation of the country, and felt more keenly and ardently the necessity of peace.

And in disposition and mental characteristics she also inherited qualities from both father and mother; for she possessed the sprightly animation of the former which ever and anon bubbled over in gentle, kindly mischief.

And so the colonel, with no business incentive, acumen, or adaptability, and with the inherited handicap of a luxurious living standard, made a brave onslaught on his patrimony. What the original estate was, or to what extent the colonel had encroached upon it, Sue never rightly knew.

William Penn inherited very large possessions, part of which consisted in Crown debts due to the Vice-Admiral for sums he had advanced for the sea service. No moneys were at that time more insecure than those owing from the king.