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He could even trust him to sell the grain in the market, for he always knew how to get the highest prices. Imperceptibly a great change had come over the silent Howdahs in these five years. The traces of poverty became more and more rare, and want was less often their guest at table.

"The balance has gone on to Yellow Jacket, but some day I will come back for Thornton's scalp and my squaw." As the summer waned the young walnut tree sent down its roots to vigour and imperceptibly lifted its crest.

The great nobles and the ritter class or knights were chiefly evangelical, and in the cities the Protestants had a decided preponderance. If they succeeded in bringing a few of their party into the country, they contrived imperceptibly to fill all places of trust and the magistracy with their own adherents, and to exclude the Catholics.

But the directors have a certain fund of tolerance and kindness in their composition which harmonises very well with the moral condition of the young men upon their joining the seminary. Their control is exercised almost imperceptibly, for the seminary seems to conduct itself, instead of being conducted by them.

She wondered silently if her mission was to be confined to posing as a thing of beauty and a joy forever. This differed much from her expectations, for she dreaded at each step lest the next bring her fact to face with some horrible task, which she would be expected to undertake. But the Doctor, with his usual tact, was almost imperceptibly inducting her into her duties.

Nothing was altered in these teeming galleries, except that turbid daylight had imperceptibly given place to this other dimness, in which lanterns swung like tethered fire-balloons. Life went on, mysteriously, without change or sleep. While the two white men shouldered their way along, a strange chorus broke out, as though from among the crowded carcasses in a butcher's stall.

It was a way she had when she restrained some quick answer and Rimrock hastened on to explain. "You never wore it last night and and you could hear every word I said." "That was because I knew what you were going to say." She smiled, imperceptibly, as she returned the retort courteous and now it was Rimrock who blushed. Then he laughed and waved the matter aside.

It may well be called the Concord, the river of peace and quietness; for it is certainly the most unexcitable and sluggish stream that ever loitered imperceptibly towards its eternity, the sea. Positively I had lived three weeks beside it before it grew quite clear to my perception which way the current flowed.

The second proclaims the birth pangs of an Order, divine and redemptive, that will inevitably supplant the former, and within Whose administrative structure an embryonic civilization, incomparable and world-embracing, is imperceptibly maturing. The one is being rolled up, and is crashing in oppression, bloodshed, and ruin.

My prick had gone down more than usual, so that it was only a soft half stiffness that ensued, but enough to enable me to give it a forward movement, and it slipped almost imperceptibly in quite as far as he could go before dear mamma had recovered from the ecstasy of her last discharge.