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'We only called "Illustrissimo!" said Agostino, as one of the men returned from the interior of the caffe hat in hand. 'The Signori should have known better it is an idiot, the man replied. He was a novice: in daring to rebuke he betrayed his office. Checco snatched his hat from his attentive friend grinning, and was away in a flash.

I left the cathedral tired out, dazed with weariness and sunlight, and fell asleep in a chair as soon as I got back to my room, on the fifth floor of the Albergo dell' Agnello. I had been asleep for about an hour, perhaps, when I thought I heard a voice near me repeating "Illustre Signore!" I did not wake. The voice continued with a murmur of sibilants: "Illustrissimo Signore!"

Aliandro's loose lips parted over his toothless gums and he mumbled: "Illustrissimo, the accursed affliction is worse." "Impossible! Then why these capers? My dear Aliandro, you are shamming. Why, you came leaping like a goat." "As God is my judge, carino, I can sleep only in the sun. It is like the tortures of the devil, and my bones creak like a gate."

"But you advise us to be careful?" "Everywhere, illustrissimo signore, it is well to be what you call the circumspection. I remember that in the State street of Chicago, which is America, peaceful citizens were often killed by bandits. Eh, is it not so?" "Quite probable," said Uncle John, soberly. "Then, what will you? Are we worse than Americans, that you fear us?

In the cathedral I came in for a sermon which began 'Illustrissimo Señor' so I suppose the Archbishop was present, and probably had me in his eye. I could understand very little, so I did not stay it out. I take it I was in error yesterday in speaking of the Spanish system of compelling conformity of belief as necessarily beginning in harshness.

"Illustrissimo, he hath quitted Venice for ever." "How canst thou know this? Would he make a confidant of a common Bravo?" The smile which crossed the features of Jacopo was full of superiority; it caused the conscious agent of the Secret Tribunal to look closely at his papers, like one who felt its power. "Art thou his confidant I ask again?"