United States or São Tomé and Príncipe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Not yet," answered my friend Indiman. We dined down-town that evening, and it was about nine o'clock when we called a hackney-coach and started homeward. As we drove on up the Bowery an illuminated transparency caught our eyes. "'Fair and Bazaar," read Indiman. "'Benefit of the United House-smiths' Benevolent Association. What is a house-smith, Thorp?

The fair and bazaar of the United House-smiths' Benevolent Association was assuredly a tremendous success, and not the least of its attractions was the open market where kisses might be purchased at the ridiculously small price of fifty cents each.

Her eyes were her one beauty indeed, but the superlative miracle of loveliness is best seen when it stands alone. And these dolts of house-smiths had passed on to sample the pink-and-white confectionery at the other end of the counter. "One hundred, if you please," and Indiman laid a fifty-dollar bill in the bowl of the girl with the gray eyes.

We trust that if these men read in the future that the structural iron-workers or the house-smiths are striking for a little more pay and for eight hours' work they will remember those men working on the ferryhouse, and remember that all of these iron-workers, like all miners, and many others, earn their bread at the risk of their lives.

"The letters, Bolder," he said, but the man had anticipated his request, and was carrying in a salver heaped high with missives and papers. "I had the personal put in the HERALD the same night of our adventure at the House-smiths' bazaar," said Indiman. "Also repeated in to-day's issue." "It seems to be bearing a fine crop of replies."

Remember now the instant that I bend down to kiss her." He was gone, leaving me to curse his folly. I tried to overtake him, but the foolish youth and his Josie blocked my way, intentionally, it seemed; that was part of their joshing of the stranger within the house-smiths' gates. I stepped up on the platform, and looked for Indiman.

I lost the girl when you walked off with her at the house-smiths' bazaar, and then I had to stick in my oar and answer your personal in the Herald. I laid what I thought was a pretty smart trap. You fell into it, right enough." "So you were the fellow who had me searched and held up at my own front door," said Indiman. "Confound your impudence! What did you expect to get?" "Why, the letter, sir.