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We now have two aerial craft competing for popular favour: the Montgolfier hot-air balloon and the "Charlier" or gas-inflated balloon. About four months after the first trial trip of the latter the inventors decided to ascend in a specially-constructed hydrogen-inflated craft. This balloon, which was 27 feet in diameter, contained nearly all the features of the modern balloon.

At the beginning of this century, the science of floriculture, so far as it went, was at least as advanced as now. Under many disadvantages which we escape the hot-air flue especially, and imperfect means of ventilation our fore-fathers grew the plants known to them quite as well as we do. Many tricks have been discovered since, but for lasting success assuredly our systems are no improvement.

He further occupied himself with the introduction of propellers on boats engaged in the inland navigation of the United States, with the design and construction of the United States steam frigate "Princeton," with the development of the compound principle in the steam-engine, then in 1851 with his hot-air ship "Ericsson," or ship propelled by hot-air or caloric engines, as they were then termed, and later with caloric engines in smaller sizes for stationary purposes, of which several thousand were sold during the next succeeding years.

In Italy, however, Count Zambeccari took up hot-air ballooning, using a spirit lamp to give him buoyancy, and on the first occasion when the balloon car was set on fire Zambeccari let down his passenger by means of the anchor rope, and managed to extinguish the fire while in the air.

Nevertheless, the principle has been largely employed in the heating of the most recent Turkish baths in Germany. If adopted it may be either on the hot-air or radiating plan, as in heating by means of furnaces.

It is to transmitted heat what champagne is to flat beer.... Let us drop, if you please, the word 'bath': it is 'heat. Let us away with that absurdity 'hot-air': it is the application of heat to the human frame."

'I'll sind ye a little book wrote be a frind iv mine in Peking, he says. ''Tis called "Heart to Heart Lies I Have Had," he says. 'Ye'll like it, he says. 'In the manetime, he says, 'I must write a secret message to go out be to-night's hot-air express to me corryspondint in Meriden, Connecticut, urgin' him to sind more im-peeryal edicks iv a fav'r-able nature, he says.

It is easy to make, and, for mere demonstration purposes, has an advantage over a steam-engine of the same size in that it can be set working in less than a minute, and will continue to act as long as a small spirit flame is kept burning beneath it; it cannot explode; and its construction is a simpler matter than the building of a steam-engine. Principles of the Hot-air Engine.

Among the credulous the significance of the name of a people of Asia Minor, the Capnobates, 'those who travel by smoke, gave rise to the assertion that Montgolfier was not first in the field or rather in the air since surely this people must have been responsible for the first hot-air balloons.

The wretched man put one of those wretched American inflictions, a hot-air furnace, in the cellar, with huge pipes running to every room in the house, great tin monstrosities bigger round than a man's body, ending in openings in the wall, with what they call 'registers' to let the heat in or shut it out as they please.