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Now have you reft me from my staff, my guide, Who taught my youth, as men teach untamed falcons, To use my strength discreetly I am reft Of comrade and of counsel. In the gray of the next morning's dawn, there was a loud knocking at the gate of the hostelrie; and those without, proclaiming that they came in the name of the Regent, were instantly admitted.

So my good friend, to the hostelrie, with all the speed you may. Yet, ere I accept of your hospitality, let me know by what name to call you." "Men call me Maitre Pierre," answered his companion. "I deal in no titles. A plain man, that can live on mine own good that is my designation."

'It were vain, continued Lord Lacy, 'to expect that courtesy from a mountain churl which even my own followers can forget. 'From MY king from my king! re-echoed the mountaineer. But Habby of Cessford will be here belive; and we shall soon know if he will permit an English churl to occupy his hostelrie.

Consigning his valise to the care of the waiting porter, he was soon on his way to that hostelrie, and serenely journeyed along through the darkness, all unconscious of the reception that awaited him.

Conscious of this for he now called to mind the admonitions of his host in parting from the hostelrie he deemed it but discreet to draw the hood of his mantle over the silver ornament; and while thus occupied, he heard not a step emerging from a lane at his rear, when suddenly a heavy hand was placed on his shoulder.

Throughout November he allowed his horses to remain at the Moonbeam, being somewhat in doubt whether or no he would return to that fascinating hostelrie. He received one or two most respectful letters from Mr. Horsball, in which glowing accounts were given of the sport of the season, and the health of his horses, and offers made of most disinterested services.

There are, especially in Switzerland, very magnificent and palace-like hotels which have been built for the purpose they now serve, but the fact that they were so built has very effectually prevented even the most splendid among them from rivaling, or indeed approaching, the grandiose magnificence of this superb hostelrie, which has chosen its name in no idle spirit of vaunting.

Philip and Harry both said they should like to see a hotel that had been so famous in its day a cheerful hostelrie, Philip said it must have been where duels were fought there across the dining-room table. "You may believe it, sir, an uncommonly pleasant lodging. Shall we walk?"

It was now time to part with Amine, who had remained at the hostelrie, and to whom Philip had dedicated every spare moment that he could obtain. The fleet was expected to sail in two days, and it was decided that on the morrow they should part. Amine was cool and collected.

So, be off with you, and let us, at least all that can afford it, make for Master Sancroft's hostelrie and talk soberly over our ale. For little, I trow, will ye work now your blood's up." This address was received with a shout of approbation.