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"The Horde? But the Horde, of which you have so often spoken, is now afar." "No, Gesafam. Even to-day I saw their signal-fires on the horizon." The old woman drew an arm about the girl. All barbarian that she was, the eternal, universal spirit of the feminine, pervading her, made her akin with the sorrowing wife. "Go rest," she whispered. "I understand.

The Germans had a horde of prisoners to care for; vast armies to maintain; and a new volunteer force of a million or more two millions was the official report to train.

But sometimes, especially on burned land, about the middle of a warm afternoon, when a rain is threatening, the horde of black flies descend in force and fury knowing that their time is short. Then there is no escape. Suits of chain armour, Nubian ointments of far-smelling potency, would not save you.

The newspaper offices, the News and Herald and Journal buildings, were safe, but none was issuing papers. The Cleveland battalion of engineers were the first of a horde of troops which began to pour into Dayton in the morning. They were immediately put at work distilling the water.

Even the Cabinet was not free from this vice of catering to the thirsty horde. Alone, at this juncture, Seward detached himself from the petty affairs of the hour and gave his whole attention to statecraft. He had a definite policy.

He accordingly set out in grand state on his journey westward, escorted by his body-guard, and with his motley and innumerable horde of singers, dancers, poets, actors, and mountebanks in his train. He brought with him the prizes which he had won in the various cities of Greece. The number of these prizes, it was said, was more than eighteen hundred.

Thrusting the revolver back into its holster she offered up a silent prayer to heaven. Then she leaned over her horse's neck to relieve him of her weight, and, with the yelling horde hard upon her heels, gave herself up to the race. During those first terrible days of the Indian outbreak the horrors that befell could only be guessed at.

As Hamilton, the Hair Buyer, made his rounds, he believed the town to be in possession of a horde of Kentuckians. Shouts, war-whoops, and bursts of laughter went up from behind the town. Surely a great force was there, a small part of which had been sent to play with him and his men.

On 29 October a horde of Bedouins invaded the Sinai Peninsula while Turkish torpedo boats raided Odessa, and on 1 November the British ambassador departed from Constantinople. The two Central Empires had enlisted their first ally, and the war had taken another stride towards Armageddon. Helena in 1815; and sea-power was once more revealed to a somewhat purblind world.

When a man after God's heart can eat the moiety of his loaf, the other moiety he will give in alms to the poor. A king may acquire the sovereignty of one climate or empire; and he will in like manner covet the possession of another. A horde of Arab robbers had possessed themselves of the fastness of a mountain, and waylaid the track of the caravan.