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In other words, homeopathy produces as the first effect the condition like the disease, and counts on the second and lasting effect of the drug to bring about a permanent change.

If, in accordance with the Law of Dual Effect as applied to drugs, the primary, temporary effect of the homeopathic remedy is equal to the disease, it is self-evident that the secondary, lasting effect of the remedy must be equal to the cure. This law has been proved by homeopathy for over a hundred years.

Homeopathy assists Nature in removing the old encumbrances, whereas allopathy changes the acute, inflammatory healing effort into chronic, destructive disease. The Economics of Homeopathy The Law of ~like cures like~ is of great practical importance from another point of view, namely, that of economics.

Fortunately for the University these are now well recognized. The first decision arose through the efforts of the Legislature to compel the Regents to establish a Professorship of Homeopathy in the University, and a mandamus action was brought in 1865 to compel the University to carry out the provisions of a clause to that effect, inserted in the Organic Act of the University in the years before.

He was doctor of the Faculty of Paris Durtal had chanced to see his diploma but he spoke of medicine with great disdain. He said he had become convinced of the futility of all he had been taught, and had thrown it over for homeopathy, which in turn he had thrown over for a Bolognese system, and this last he was now excoriating.

Michael, darling, it isn't homeopathy but it relieves symptoms for lots of illnesses and migraines too." "Flush it down the toilet. What if the boys were to see you smoking that?" "What if they did?" "Flush it down the toilet," he commanded. She did as she was told. She watched her tiny higher authority wave goodbye to her sadly as she was sucked into the whirlpool with her ship.

"Present company of course always excepted; but, do you know, I once really believed in you; but your sudden conversion to homeopathy quite frightened me." The doctor smiled. "It is as safe a mode of practice as any other." "Do you really think so?" "I am perfectly sure of it." "Well, now that you are here, I am half inclined to ask your advice." "I trust that you are not suffering."

The Regents postponed action from year to year and refused to appoint two Professors of Homeopathy in the Department of Medicine as directed by an act of the Legislature. In this course they were sustained by the Courts. But in 1875 the Legislature authorized the establishment of a Homeopathic Medical College and made a permanent appropriation of $6,000 for its support.

Unfortunately, ignorance of the degraded nature of industrial food seems to extend to otherwise admirable natural healing methods such as Macrobiotics and homeopathy because these disciplines also downplay any need for food supplementation. Vitamins For Young Persons And Children

That was all for the time, Mrs. Everidge believed in homeopathy but it set her hearer thinking, and thought found expression in questioning, until she was led to the feet of the great Teacher and learned to roll her burden of trouble upon him who came to bear the burdens of the world.