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At one point, as I described the pangs of hunger which I had often borne, there were tears in her interesting eyes When I had finished my story, flushed with a sense of my histrionic success, she ordered tea and preserves, as though to indemnify me for my past sufferings "All the more reason for you to study Russian and to become an educated man," she said, as she put sugar into my glass.

It seem'd, as it slowly dropp'd away, like the minute which precedes the climax of an exquisitely-performed tragedy, when some mighty master of the histrionic art is treading the stage, and you and the multitude around you are waiting, with stretch'd nerves and suspended breath, in expectation of the terrible catastrophe. "Tim is asleep, sir," at length said one of the boys who sat near him.

Westmacott was not to know considering his youth was the singular histrionic ability which this old rake had displayed in those younger days of his when he had been a player, and the further circumstance that he had excelled in those parts in which ebriety was to be counterfeited. Indeed, we have it on the word of no less an authority on theatrical matters than Mr. Pepys that Mr.

When he was an apprentice-blacksmith in our village, and I a schoolboy, a couple of young Englishmen came to the town and sojourned a while; and one day they got themselves up in cheap royal finery and did the Richard III swordfight with maniac energy and prodigious powwow, in the presence of the village boys. This blacksmith cub was there, and the histrionic poison entered his bones.

"But what policy is it that demands this course of action? Is there such a policy?" Certainly there is. But what address, what tact, what histrionic art must a husband possess in order to display the mimic wealth of that treasure which we are about to reveal to him!

Sadie remembered she had histrionic talent. Emmy Lou's anxiety was because there loomed ahead the awful moment of mounting the platform. It was terrible on mere Fridays to mount the platform and, after vain swallowing to overcome a labial dryness and a lingual taste of copper, try to suit the action to the word, but to mount the platform for The Play Emmy Lou was trying not to look that far ahead.

Her conception of the character, however, was in the grandest style of histrionic art. "The sibyls of Michael Angelo are not more grand," exclaimed one critic; "but the vocalization of Pasta and Grisi is wholly foreign to her." During this engagement, Mme. Schröder-Devrient was often unable to perform, from serious illness. From England she went to the Lower Rhine.

But Clint was either too honest or possessed too little histrionic talent to attempt that plan, and by the time the Fall term was a week old, he, together with many another, was just barely keeping his head above water. He confessed discouragement to his room-mate one evening. Amy was sympathetic but scarcely helpful. "It's tommyrot, that's what it is," Amy said with conviction.

Could the Oberammergau Passion Play ever exert the old influence again, after this? was the query at the end of the article. A second had all the details of Anton's death and was profusely illustrated. The story started with Anton going years ago into the mountains to try out his voice in order to develop it for his histrionic task.

Kitty laughed; and that was what he wanted. What had that old rogue been doing now offering Kitty his eighteen-story office building? "It's odd, isn't it, that I shouldn't possess a little histrionic ability. You'd think it would be in my blood to act." "It is, Kitty; only not to mimic. You're an actress, but the Big Dramatist writes your business for you.