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The eyes of the young man as he looked around him fell on all their loving countenances the maternal look of the loving wife, the honest face of Mr. Hersebom, that of Otto even more affectionate than usual, and that of Vanda, serious and troubled. As he read the tenderness and disquietude displayed on all their faces, Erik felt as if his heart was melting within him.

But I must tell you all about it, and see if you think as I do." The doctor settled himself comfortably, and began by telling them that he had been struck by Erik's appearance in the school at Noroe, and by his unusual intelligence. He had made inquiries about him, and he related all that Mr. Malarius and Mr. Hersebom had told. He omitted none of the details.

Hersebom smoked his pipe silently, and was divided in his mind between a longing to see his adopted son, and the fear that he would not be able to keep him with them very long. For the fiftieth time, perhaps, Otto had gone to the door, when he gave a shout and cried out: "Mother! Vanda! I believe it is he!" They all rushed to the door.

Hersebom, that I forget my birth? My father and grandfather were fishermen like yourself, and it is just because they were so far-seeing as to educate me, that I appreciate the value of it, and I would assure it to a child who merits it. It is his interest alone which guides me, I beg of you to believe." "Ah what do I know about it?

Hersebom was, like all others in Noroe, covered by a turf roof, and built of enormous timbers of fir-trees, in the Scandinavian fashion. The two large rooms were separated by a hall in the center, which led to the boat-house where the canoes were kept. Here were also to be seen the fishing-tackle and the codfish, which they dry and sell. These two rooms were used both as living-rooms and bedrooms.

"The difficulty will be to repeat all you have said to my wife. When will you take the child away?" "To-morrow. I can not delay my return to Stockholm any longer." Mr. Hersebom heaved a deep sigh, which was almost a sob. "To-morrow! So soon!" he said. "Well, what must be, must be. I will go and talk to my wife about it." "Yes, do so, and consult Mr.

It succeeded so well in the doctor's case, that although he only took it out of politeness, he was soon able to do honor to some preserved mulberries which were Dame Katrina's special pride, and so thirsty that he drank seven or eight cups of tea. Mr. Hersebom brought out a bottle of "schiedam," which he had bought of a Hollander.

He made himself quite at home, and, what was more remarkable, he succeeded in making Mr. Hersebom eat his supper. Vanda now entered carrying a large wooden dish, upon which was a saucer, which she offered so graciously to the doctor that he could not refuse it.

Then he put on his fur cloak, and shook hands cordially with his hosts, and being conducted to the door by Hersebom, he took the road toward his factory. The fisherman stood for a moment on the threshold, watching his retreating figure in the moonlight. "What a devil of a man!" he murmured, as at last he closed his door. The next morning Dr.

Was it not possible that the storm had carried away the floating ice in which the "Alaska" had become embedded. Yes, evidently it was possible; but it remained for them to discover whether this supposition was true. Without delaying a moment, Erik proceeded to reconnoiter, followed by Mr. Hersebom. They walked for a long time.