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I dashed into the garden, where some Kaffirs were working, crying, 'The babyans! the babyans! Luckily the men had their sticks and spears by them and ran out just in time to save Hendrik, who was almost overtaken. The baboons made a good fight for it, however, and it was not till the old man was killed with an assegai that they ran away.

What do you say, Swartboy?" he added, turning to the Bushman; "are you content?" "I berry much content, Baas Hendrik," answered Swartboy, with an expression that did not confirm his words. That day the young hunters, leaving Swartboy and the Kaffir in charge of the camp, made a visit to the lagoon, where they expected to find hippopotami.

A shout of joy burst from the horsemen, and the next moment little Jan and Trüey leaped out from the cap-tent into the arms of their father while the mutual congratulations of Hans and Hendrik, Swartboy and Totty, produced for some moments a scene of joyful confusion quite indescribable.

"Dat plack villen you call Congo," said he, "goed away last night. We thought he vash mit you. When you fints him again take him to der tuyfel, if you likes, and keep him dare." "Do you think he has gone away from this place?" asked Willem of Hendrik, as they rode out from Van Ormon's enclosures. "Yes," answered Hendrik; "I see no reason to doubt it."

On the return of the chief from his long exile he was enthusiastically received by his countrymen, the more as from his having incurred the resentment of the Matabili. "I have a favour to ask of you, my friends," said Hendrik, the day after they had been introduced at court. "I want a little information, if either of you can give it."

The witnesses in this case are now difficult to find, as they are all natives; but it appears that the natives were tried by an informal court, of which B. A. Klopper, ex-President of the Volksraad, was president, and condemned to death. Hendrik Schoeman, son of the late general, and Piet Joubert are reported to have acted as escort. Case of five natives murdered near Wilge River.

"To one of the oldest on record," replied Mr. Van Quintem. "My great ancestor, the genuine original Myndert, came over as cook with Hendrik Hudson. We have an iron spoon of doubtful authenticity, said to have descended from him.

That gave me pleasure, but I also saw that the sheep and goats had got mixed up with the springboks, and were moving off with them as if they belonged to the same species! I fear they are all lost." "And the lion?" inquired Hendrik. "Yonder he lies!" answered Hans, modestly pointing to a yellow mass out upon the plain, over which the vultures were already beginning to hover.

The rapids were full of rough jagged rocks, against which their bodies might be crushed or lacerated; and the chances were that some of them might never succeed in reaching the shore in safety. "And there is another reason why I don't like taking this water trip," said Hendrik. "I noticed yesterday, just as we came forward here, a couple of enormous alligators.

A leopard-skin pouch hanging under his right arm, a hunting-knife stuck in his waist-belt, and a large meerschaum pipe through the band of his hat, completed the equipments of the trek-boor, Von Bloom. Hans and Hendrik were very similarly attired, armed, and equipped.