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As each is completed, it is dropped into a basket placed at the end of the table nearest the passage way, from which the cheroots are taken and tied up into bundles. The Cortada into bunches of ten. The Havanas always in bundles of twenty-five. The factory, as may be supposed, is very extensive, and covers a considerable area.

The Colonel laughed heartily, the boys chiming in with a merry peal. "What were the cigars?" asked Phil. "The strongest Havanas that were made, that was all. Fine cigars, I have no doubt; but I was forty years old before I touched tobacco again, and I have never smoked anything less delicate than a Manilla."

She who had snapped all the thread of life and let my soul go plunging down the abysses. She would not interrupt! The grandfather clock against the wall stood at nine twenty-four. At nine twenty I had been stolidly puffing one of Weighborne's Havanas and listening to his disquisitions on courts of appeals decisions and squatters' rights.

He had had his diamonds, then, and his wallet of yellow-backs; and when he had called for vintage wines and choice Havanas it had been for genuine love of them. In his heart he despised Mallow. He knew himself to be a rogue, but Mallow without money would have been a bold predatory scoundrel. Craig knew also that he himself was at soul too cowardly to be more than despicably bad.

On that particular night the oysters were fried to exactly the right shade of brown, and the delicate "mill-pond" flavor, so well known to every Charleston taste, was especially fine; the old sherry just two glasses of it apiece-seemed milder and warmer and richer than ever before; and the havanas never seemed so fragrant.

"You're alone, monsieur," I said. "Yes, m'sieu. The driver has gone to see to the horses." I offered him one of my Havanas, which he accepted with alacrity, and drew up with him before the fire. "You have been living here long, monsieur?" "Twenty years, m'sieu." "Twenty years alone in this desert place!" "Nineteen years alone, m'sieu. Before that I had my little Marie." "Marie?"

As the Baron passed out and my own turn at the desk came to settle for my modest provision of Havanas, I recalled to my mind the current gossip of the Baron's extravagance, of the dinners he had lately given that surprised Paris and Paris is not easily surprised.

Candor compels the statement that he enjoyed the long hours stretched on the turf, or sitting idly on the veranda, puffing Mr. Costell's good Havanas. Twice Mr. Bohlmann stopped at Peter's office of a Saturday and took him out to stay over Sunday at his villa in one of the Oranges. The family all liked Peter and did not hesitate to show it. Mr.

Barker produced a rare brand of cigars, without which, he informed his guest, he never travelled. They were fat brown Havanas, and Claudius enjoyed them. "Let us go to Baden-Baden," said Barker, sucking at his weed, which protruded from his immense moustache like a gun under the raised port-hole of an old-fashioned man-of-war.

The applause here was vociferous, and only discontinued when a box of Havanas stood open on the table.