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It was not by the common measure then so beautiful as now; the second Empire, too lately installed, was still more or less feeling its way, with the great free hand soon to be allowed to Baron Haussmann marked as yet but in the light preliminary flourish.

Florence loses itself to-day in dusty boulevards and smart <i>beaux quartiers</i>, such as Napoleon III and Baron Haussmann were to set the fashion of to a too mediaeval Europe with the effect of some precious page of antique text swallowed up in a marginal commentary that smacks of the style of the newspaper.

The Temple of the Sun, where the beauty of Asenath beguiled the Israelite to forget his sale into bondage and banishment, lies in shapeless hillocks, over which canter the mules of dragomen and chatter the tongues of tourists. Where the Lutetian Palace of Julian saluted their darling as Augustus, the sledge-hammer and the stucco of the Haussmann fiat bear desolation in their wake.

Looking up from the Paris Herald, she said to Katrine, "I see that Anne Lennox has leased the old Latour Place in the Boulevard Haussmann for an indefinite period." The three months following the coming of Mrs. Lennox made no change in their lives whatever.

She had been devouring the prince's substance and Steiner's, too, with her childish caprices, and yet she had no notion where her money went. Even at this time of day her flat in the Boulevard Haussmann was not entirely furnished. The drawing room alone was finished, and with its red satin upholsteries and excess of ornamentation and furniture it struck a decidedly false note.

M. Louis appeared to find my anecdote entertaining. But the most astonishing was what the little Bois l'Hery, with his Parisian street-boy's accent, related to us concerning the household of his employers. Marquis and Marquise de Bois l'Hery, second floor, Boulevard Haussmann.

I tried and tried to think when and where I'd had the pleasure before. But now that you speak of a former state of existence why, I'm there! It was all I needed, just a little hint like that, to jog my memory. Talk about entertaining angels unawares! The beard, eh? And the yaller cloak? And ain't there a statue of you up Boulevard Haussmann way? Shakesy, old man, shake!

As she was the only member of our family who could be described as a trifle 'common, she would always take care to remark to strangers, when Swann was mentioned, that he could easily, if he had wished to, have lived in the Boulevard Haussmann or the Avenue de l'Opera, and that he was the son of old M. Swann who must have left four or five million francs, but that it was a fad of his.

"She lives on a third floor in the Boulevard Haussmann, between the Rue de l'Arcade and the Rue Pesquier," said Georges all in a breath. And when the other looked at him in much astonishment, he added, turning very red and fit to sink into the ground with embarrassment and conceit: "I'm of the party. She invited me this morning."

And we don't care when or why Baron Haussmann built the Boulevard Haussmann in Paris it's the boulevard itself interests us." "It is the fate of genius to be cast aside," said I. "No doubt even I shall be forgotten even after my book on the culicidæ shall have been completed." " So that," she went on, not noticing me, "there is that one point in your favor." "Then there is a chance?"