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Suddenly something in the text suggested a thought that made him start and drop the book for the third time to the side of the sofa, whence, escaping from his hand, it fell sprawling to the floor, back upward. Brayton, half-risen, was staring intently into the obscurity beneath the bed, where the points of light shone with, it seemed to him, an added fire.

"What now?" he wondered, with a sidelong glance at Edith Whyland. Mrs. Whyland, herself half-risen, was looking toward the door, like everybody else. "Finally!" she said, with a pleased smile, and sank back into her place. A tall, stalwart figure came through the crowd amidst a storm of hand-clapping and of cheers.

"So it goes on, father. What day is there that a hundred horsemen do not pass our gate, and yet every clink of hoofs sets her poor heart a-trembling. So strong and steadfast she has ever been, my Mary, and now no sound too slight to shake her to the soul! Nay, daughter, nay, I pray you!" She had half-risen from her chair, her hands clenched and her dark, startled eyes still fixed upon the window.

In the general excitement nobody chanced to observe the effect which Trent's appearance had had upon one of the party. Elisabeth had half-risen from the grassy bank on which she had been sitting, and her face was suddenly milk-white. Even her lips had lost their soft rose-colour, and were parted as if an exclamation of some kind had been only checked from passing them by sheer force of will.

Leap, my fay! Only watch one hurt the thunder First of all by Zeus under, I'm the Pope, the whole world's wonder!" Rodin, half-risen from his chair, with outstretched neck and attentive eye, was still listening, when Rose-Pompon, flitting like a bee from flower to flower of her repertoire, had already begun the delightful air of Colibri.

He stopped short; she had half-risen, and made a gesture as if she would have bidden him be silent. "There!" he said, vehemently. "I am doing it again. I am hurting you, grieving you, as I did once before, when I forgot your great sorrow; and you did right to reprove me then. I know you have hated me ever since. I know you cannot forgive me for the pain I inflicted.

The figure upon the bed, half-risen, worked its lips and then fell back, and the little maid raised her voice and screamed again and again in mortal terror. It brought Rette running from where she had waited in the trading-room. She raised him, and her face was red with rage. "What have you done! You evil cat! What have you done to the man?"

Before he could rise, the steel-like grip of the roused preacher sent him halfway to the door, and then out into the dirt of the road. Turning, Pill strode down the aisle once more. The half-risen congregation made way for him, curiously. By this time the other brothers had recovered from their stupor, and, with wild curses, leaped over the benches toward the fearless preacher.