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Suddenly there was a lull then shouts, half-encouraging, half-derisive.

Lord Julian, the butt now of good-humouredly ribald jests and half-derisive acclamations, plunged away to his cabin for the commission, secretly rejoicing at a turn of events which enabled him so creditably to discharge the business on which he had been sent.

Punting was a most becoming occupation; on the whole she could not have hit on a pleasanter manner of helping the cause. "I daresay I shall make quite a lot of money!" she added cheerfully; and her sisters laughed with the half-indulgent, half-derisive laughter with which they were accustomed to greet Lilias's sayings.

All these, with others whom I will not mention, who were friendly, gathered around me, the while Mary Cavendish sat there beside me, and again that half-derisive shout of the multitude went up. But in a trice it all changed, for the temper of a mob is as subject to unexplained changes as the wind, and it was a great shout of sympathy and triumph instead of derision.

The incapacities of human reason at such times overwhelmed him, and left him hopeless, or, still worse, in a half-derisive mood. And these moods, as well as his clearer and more elaborate thoughts, hastily transferred to paper, are found amongst his notes.

Through the mist which was gathering in front of my eyes, I could see the half-curious, half-derisive glances of the other occupants of the room; and opposite, Mr. Stanley, his eyes blinking at me from behind his spectacles, his expression one of grieved concern. I leaned over toward him. "You d d scoundrel!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we was sure that you was in trouble," put in Sonora. "My breath jest stopped." "Me? Me in trouble, Sonora?" A little laugh that was half-gay, half-derisive, accompanied her words. "See here, that man Ramerrez " followed up Rance with a grim look. " feller you was dancin' with," interposed Sonora, but checked himself instantly lest he wound the Girl's feelings.

"Mercy my lord!" cried the agonised voice of Charlot, as, distraught with grief, he flung himself before the Marquis. "Who seeks to harm you, fool?" was Bellecour's half-derisive rejoinder. "Do not take her from me, my lord," the young man pleaded piteously. "She shall return to-morrow, booby," answered the noble. "Out of the way!" But Charlot was obstinate.

It was in September that we became engaged, with the joyful coincidence of Mr. Bainrothe, the somewhat reluctant consent of my father, the half-derisive approbation of Evelyn, the entire disapproval, expressed in eloquent silence, of the whole Stanbury family.

He spoke with an emphasis so singular; impressive, and at the same time half-derisive, and with so strangely-meaning an expression, that Paullus indeed scarcely knew what to think; but, in the mean time, he had recovered his own self-possession, and merely answered— "I think you had better not; it would perhaps be dangerous!" "Dangerous? Ha! that is another motive.