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Updated: January 20, 2025
"Well, indeed, 'tis there I would like to go as soon as my business is ended. 'Tis Gethin Owens I am looking for, mate of the Gwenllian." "Oh, ho," said the man, "you may go back to chapel at once, little woman; you won't find him, for he sailed yesterday for France." At this moment the boy returned with the same information, and Sara turned her face sorrowfully away from the shipping.
"Yes, I am a very ignorant woman, I know, but a week or a fortnight, or even three weeks, I will stop," and the usual look of happy content once more beamed in her eyes. Every day little Tom Jenkins, upon whom Sara's two pennies had made a favourable impression, went down to the docks to see if the Gwenllian had arrived.
"Go on, old witch!" cried the disappointed ones; "where's your broom?" "Can't you speak Welsh?" she asked, as she came abreast with her guide. "Yes, that can I," said the boy in his native tongue. "Oh, very good, then. 'Tis the Gwenllian I am wanting Captain Price can you find her?" "Oh, yes, come on," said the boy.
All the way from Garthowen to fetch thee, my boy, so come as soon as thou canst." The writing was large and sprawly, it was addressed to "Gethin Owens, mate of the Gwenllian, Captain Price," and when Tom had departed, with the letter safe in his jacket pocket, the two women set themselves to wait as patiently as they could; but the hours dragged on heavily until tea-time.
"Gethin Owens!" said the captain, in a tone of surprise. "What? the dark brown chap with the white teeth and the bright eyes like a starling's?" Sara nodded "and gold rings in his ears?" "That's him," said Sara. "Do you know him?" "Caton pawb! as well as if he was my own son. He's mate of the Gwenllian, trading to Monte Video and other foreign parts.
One episode in the history of this family may be mentioned the battle in the Vale of Towy in 1136, when Gwenllian, the heroic wife of Rhys ap Gruffydd, led her husband's forces against Maurice and De Londres, and was defeated and slain by the Lord of Kidweli. Her death was soon avenged by the slaughter of the Normans at Cardigan.
Eurneid the daughter of Clydno Eiddin. Eneuawc the daughter of Bedwyr. Enrydreg the daughter of Tudvathar. Gwennwledyr the daughter of Gwaledyr Kyrvach. Erddudnid the daughter of Tryffin. Eurolwen the daughter of Gwdolwyn Gorr. Teleri the daughter of Peul. Indeg the daughter of Garwy Hir. Morvudd the daughter of Urien Rheged. Gwenllian Deg the majestic maiden.
There! the sight of such a tidy, fresh-looking little country woman will do our pale-faced town people good. Oh, anwl! I wish my Tom was alive; he'd have piloted you straight to the Gwenllian. He knew every ship that came into the docks.
His wife, the heroic Gwenllian who died leading her husband's army against the Normans was Griffith ap Conan's daughter. The great final battle between Griffith and the Normans was fought at Cardigan in 1136, in which the great prince won a memorable victory over the strongest army the Normans could put in the field.
When a week, a fortnight, and nearly three weeks had passed away, and still she was not in port, Mrs. Jones suggested that probably she had extended her voyage to some other port, or was perhaps waiting for repairs. At last one sunny morning Tom Jenkins came in with a whoop. "The Gwenllian is in the docks!" he cried, and Sara prepared at once for another expedition in that direction.
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