Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 3, 2024

The coxswain, as soon as he had regained his feet, ran up to the horse which the prisoner rode, and which had stopped the moment the sailor fell, and pulling the guerrilla from the saddle, lifted him in his arms as though he had been an infant, and ran toward the boat.

His force, however, was never strong enough to seriously menace the power of Spain. However, for five years he maintained a guerrilla warfare, fighting with desperate bravery until he was captured and sent to Spain, where I believe he also died in prison.

Those, however, had to deal at once with Monty, Will and Kagig, who opened on them guerrilla warfare from behind trees never opposing them sufficiently to check them altogether, but leading them steadily forward into the two-mile trap.

Jack felt that the surgeon was falsifying, but how could he prove it? Then he felt that there would be no use in keeping the guerrilla at the plantation. "Well, take him away, if you want to," he answered. "But I shall still hold my opinion of the rascal." "You are as insulting as ever, Jack," sneered the medical man. "I came here, hoping to find you of a different turn of mind."

You don't seem to realize the power these guerrilla leaders, these rebel captains, and particularly these bandits, exercise over the mass of Mexicans. A bandit is a man of honor in Mexico. He is feared, envied, loved. In the hearts of the people he stands next to the national idol the bull-fighter, the matador. The race has a wild, barbarian, bloody strain. Take Quinteros, for instance.

Anyhow, I am glad that I am an officer in the 7th Virginians and not a guerrilla leader in Missouri. Well, all this talking is dry work. Has no one got a full canteen?" "I have," Vincent said. "Dan managed to buy a gallon of rum at a farmhouse yesterday. I think the farmer was afraid that the enemy might be paying him a visit before many days, and thought it best to get rid of his spirits.

Ruth was always sympathetic about her guerrilla warfare with the publishers. She looked forward to a cosy chat, in the course of which she would trace, step by step, the progress of the late campaign which had begun overnight and had culminated that morning in a sort of Gettysburg, from which she had emerged with her arms full of captured flags and all the other trophies of conquest.

He recognized in him the born guerrilla leader and more, the trained guerrilla leader, and wondered where on earth this strange civilian had garnered his practical military knowledge and skill.

I was gwine ter turn them hosses over to the Confed'rate government they need hoss-flesh." "You were going to do nothing of the kind. You are not a soldier, you are a common thief." "Now, don't be hard on me, sonny. I fit on the right side, I did," drawled the guerrilla anxiously. "You fought only for your own good." "Taint so, sonny; I fit fer the glorious Stars an' Bars.

So demoralized had the army become from long licence that this guerrilla warfare was waged with all possible slackness until a chance shot mortally wounded the chief brigand and his immense following automatically dispersed.

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