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It is a ludicrous and yet a strangely touching spectacle to see these three poor devils grovelling and pleading before me, and at the same time praying to Allah for protection in the little bala-khana, hoping thereby to save themselves from cruel mutilation and lifelong disgrace.

'She was a woman of grand instincts, after all, he said to himself proudly. 'To fix her choice upon the immediate successor in that ducal line it was finely conceived! Had he been of low blood like myself or my relations she would scarce have deserved the harsh measure that I have dealt out to her and her offspring. How much less, then, when such grovelling tastes were farthest from her soul!

She sprang to the attack. "Diable! am I linked to a skinflint?" "A skinflint, forsooth, at a thousand livres!" "Yes," she cried in a fresh flood of tears. "A wretch, a miser. You are unworthy, sir, to be linked to a family from whom Germain takes his gentlemanly qualities. Had he nothing but you in him, he would be a grovelling clod-hopper to-day instead of a favourite of kings."

Then I took to writing, but the motive was grovelling, for I aimed at gaining money and flattery. My aims were gratified, for, coming to St. Petersburg at the age of 26, I secured the flattering reception I had coveted from the authors most in repute. The war, about which I had written much from the field of conflict, had just closed.

During this short dialogue, the justice, who had heard of Sir Launcelot's family and fortune, though an utter stranger to his person, was seized with such pangs of terror and compunction, as a grovelling mind may be supposed to have felt in such circumstances; and they seemed to produce the same unsavoury effects that are so humorously delineated by the inimitable Hogarth, in his print of Felix on his tribunal, done in the Dutch style.

By the time this generation gets upon the stage, if the controversy will not have ceased, it will run such a tide that we shall hardly he able to speak to one another, and there will be a Guelf and Ghibelline quarrel, which cannot tell where the differences lie." "You can form no conception how much one grovelling in the city needs the excitement and impulse of literary example.

To do that, I have had to behave like the grovelling villain who has no desire but to fill his pockets. And with success! You understand that, Earwaker? I have succeeded! What respect can I have for the common morality, after this? 'You have succeeded? the other asked, thoughtfully. 'I could have imagined that you had been in appearance successful'

Markland, chidingly, "You are not only in the world, but of the world." "Of the earth, earthy, did you mean to say, my gentle monitor?" returned the husband, leaning towards his wife. "Oh, no, no! I did not mean grovelling or sordid; and you know I did not." She spoke quickly and with mock resentment. "Am I very worldly-minded?" "I did not use the term."

The wasps will get accustomed to his motionless figure, and leave him unhurt; till the new fancy will rise in his mind that he is a favourite of this wasp-king: and at last he will find himself grovelling before the tree, saying "Oh great wasp-king, pity me, and tell your children not to sting me, and I will bring you honey, and fruit, and flowers to eat, and I will flatter you, and worship you, and you shall be my king."

The long line of base-born predecessors, the grovelling hinds and mechanics of his genealogy, were responsible for this. Oh for a name wherewith honour was hereditary! His eyes were blinded by a rush of hot tears. Down, down into the depths of uttermost despondency, of self-pity and self-contempt!