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"Well, I hope you two'll enjoy yourselves. Remember now, Mrs. Grindle, if you please, that you're a married woman and must behave yourself, and not go in for any high jinks," she teased her prim little stepdaughter, as they dismounted from the conveyance and stood straightening their petticoats at the entrance to the hall.

Less for the patient, into whom at first only liquid nourishment could be injected, than: "To see as your own strength is kep' up, dearie." Tilly swooped down and bore off Trotty. Delicate fruits, new-laid eggs, jellies and wines came from Agnes Ocock; while Amelia Grindle, who had no such dainties to offer arrived every day at three o'clock, to mind the house while Mary slept.

The leech-like fashion in which Grindle stuck to his heels was not to be misread. "This is what they call nursing, I suppose he's nursing ME now!" said Mahony to himself. At the same time he reckoned up, with some anxiety, the money he had in his pocket. Should it prove insufficient, who knew what further affronts were in store for him. But Ocock had recovered his oily sleekness.

His search for Johnny Ocock had detained him in Melbourne for over a week. Under the guidance of young Grindle he had scoured the city, not omitting even the dens of infamy in the Chinese quarter; and he did not know which to be more saddened by: the revolting sights he saw, or his guide's proud familiarity with every shade of vice.

Further on, Zara was giving Grindle an account of her voyage "home," and ticking off the reasons that had led to her return. She sat across a hammock, and daintily exposed a very neat ankle. "It was much too sleepy and dull for ME! No, I've QUITE decided to spend the rest of my days in the colony." Mrs. Devine was still perched on her ottoman. She beamed at her hostess.

"I put it to you, this man Murphy was one of the best known carriers in Melbourne, and THAT was why the defendant recommended him are you out to deny it?" "N ... n ... no." "Then you can stand down!" and leaning over to Grindle, who was below him, counsel whispered with a pleased spread of the hand: "There you are! that's our case."

I simply said I couldn't paint him, that I was too moved. She rather liked the idea she's so romantic! It was that that made her give me the donkey. But she was terribly upset at not getting the portrait she did so want him 'done' by some one showy! At first I was afraid she wouldn't let me off and at my wits' end I suggested Grindle. Yes, it was I who started Grindle: I told Mrs.

And one had only to look at Mary to see that here was no light woman. Nobody in his senses not even Grindle could think evil of that broad, transparent brow, of those straight, kind, merry eyes. No, this morning his hurt was a purely personal one. That it should just be Purdy who did him this wrong!

I glanced after him, struck by his last word. Victor Grindle was, in fact, becoming the man of the moment as Jack himself, one might put it, had been the man of the hour. The younger artist was said to have formed himself at my friend's feet, and I wondered if a tinge of jealousy underlay the latter's mysterious abdication.

Still, once on a time he had been noted for his tact; it was sad to see it leaving him in the lurch. Several times of late she had been forced to step in and smooth out awkwardnesses. But a week ago he had had poor little Amelia Grindle up in arms, by telling her that her sickly first-born would mentally never be quite like other children.