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"Come along then, boys," sang out Walker; and away they all went, carrying along Tom and East, to the intense relief of four or five other small boys, who crept out from under the beds and behind them. "What a trump Scud is!" said one. "They won't come back here now." "And that new boy, too; he must be a good-plucked one."

Fired me gun at 'er, too, I did, to frighten 'er," he continued reminiscently. "And she never blinked. You're a good-plucked 'un, miss," with frank admiration. Sara looked at the man doubtfully. "I didn't know you lived here," she said. "It's my native village, miss, Monks'aven is.

She is a good woman: and Kew is a most respectable man, though he is only a peer of George III.'s creation, and you should hear how he speaks of Miss Newcome, though she refused him. I should like to know who is to prevent me marrying Lady Anne Newcome's daughter?" "By Jove, you are a good-plucked fellow, Farintosh give me your hand, old boy," says Henchman.

"I must go by my conscience, sir." "Oh, damn your conscience! Will you promise, or will you not? You're to have nothing to say to those young persons." "I will not promise." "Not if I promise to look after them?" "No, sir." His father was silent for a moment, regarding him not all in anger. "Well, you're a good-plucked one, I allow?

"Go on," said John, grimly. "No, you needn't go on. I can guess what this low cad is up to." "He said he'd be my friend; as if I'd have a beast like that for a friend." "Did you tell him that?" "Yes, I did." "You're a good-plucked 'un, Esmé. And he's made it warm for you ever since?" "Yes." "But he hasn't turned you up again?" "N-no; but he will.

I wish I was such a good-plucked one as you, Miss Anville," &c. The conversation, you perceive, might be easily written down to this key; and if the hero and heroine were modern, they would not be suffered to go through their dialogue on stilts, but would converse in the natural graceful way at present customary.

Eustace Meeson was once very kind to me, and rather than he should lose the chance of getting what he ought to have, I I will be tattooed." "Well, bust me!" said Bill, with enthusiasm, "bust me! if you ain't a good-plucked one for a female woman; and if I was that there young man I should make bold to tell you so." "Yes," said Mr. Meeson, "that is an excellent idea.

To us the portress, the old pensioner, and myself he looked like one of the old Romans standing behind the Consuls in Lethiere's picture of the Death of the Sons of Brutus. "'He was a good-plucked one, the old Lascar! said the pensioner in his soldierly fashion.