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He went out of the room. 'That's distinctly one for you, said the Nilghai. 'I told you it was hopeless to meddle with him. He's not pleased. 'He'd swear at me if he weren't. I can't make it out. He has the go-fever upon him and he won't go. I only hope that he mayn't have to go some day when he doesn't want to, said Torpenhow.

"What is it, sir?" Carter turned to him with a troubled countenance. "Carrick," he said, "do you ever feel as if you wanted to be back on the fighting line?" The fellow smiled guiltily. "Yes, Mr. Carter, when I 'ave the go-fever as I call it! Then you see," he explained apologetically, "I was allus a sort of a tramp before you took 'old of me, sir.

"If men were all home-keepers it would be a prosaic world." "Can you talk of the prosaic and Etterick in the same breath? Besides, it is the old fallacy of man that the domestic excludes the heroic," said Alice, fighting for the privileges of her sex. "But then, you know, there comes a thing they call the go-fever, which is not amenable to reason.

And the go-fever which is more real than many doctors' diseases, waked and raged, urging him who loved Maisie beyond anything in the world, to go away and taste the old hot, unregenerate life again, to scuffle, swear, gamble, and love light loves with his fellows; to take ship and know the sea once more, and by her beget pictures; to talk to Binat among the sands of Port Said while Yellow 'Tina mixed the drinks; to hear the crackle of musketry, and see the smoke roll outward, thin and thicken again till the shining black faces came through, and in that hell every man was strictly responsible for his own head, and his own alone, and struck with an unfettered arm.

I've got the go-fever, like that man in Kipling's book." "But he was in love." "Yes," said Jimmy. "He was. That's the bacillus, you know." She shot a quick glance at him. He became suddenly interesting to her. She was at the age of dreams and speculations.

"Seems yesterday, sir." "How's the go-fever? Still working?" Carrick laughed. "Overtime, sir. Hundred miles an hour till we get there wouldn't be too fast for me." He turned his attention again to the machine and the rutty way before him. The other drew out a road map which he consulted with trained eyes that correctly approximated both locality and distances.

'Yes; but did he go alone? 'I don't know, and I don't care, but he has the beginnings of the go-fever upon him. He wants to up-stakes and move out. There's no mistaking the signs. Whatever he may have said before, he has the call upon him now. 'It might be his salvation, Torpenhow said. 'Perhaps if you care to take the responsibility of being a saviour.