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The prince left the room, rejoicing in his heart, and saying to himself, 'Well, I shall soon get through that! If I have never yet handled either the plough or the scythe, at least I have often watched the country people work them, and know how easy it is. He was just going to open his door, when the maiden glided softly past and whispered in his ear: 'What task has he set you?

We made for a rock in the centre of the river; we missed it, and my heart was in my mouth as I saw the rapid below us into which we were being drawn, when the boat mysteriously swung half round and glided under the lee of the rock.

Ah, sir, you " He said no more, for Saint Simon had passed onward, as if to go on in spite of all that had been said, but only to turn quickly and seize his arms from behind, while at the same moment his speech was cut short by Leoni's hand the subtle Franco-Italian having literally glided at him to clap a strongly smelling hand, moist with some pungent fluid, across his mouth.

He saw a lady glide in backwards at the door of the room, as if she had been slid in on a slide, each part of her dress keeping its proper place without disturbance. She glided in until the whole of her could be seen, except the tip of her nose, her lips, and the tip of her chin, which were hidden by the edge of the door.

I had never watched each play of his face, and treasured each word from his lips; I had never made my life but part of his life all my soul but the shadow of his sun. But for that, I had hailed the calm of the cloister but for that, I had glided in peace to my grave. And now now, O Hilda " Edith paused, and that break had more eloquence than any words she could command.

The year has now passed away, and how few, very few, of all our bright hopes have been realized. With how many of us have unexpected and unwished for events taken the place of those to which we looked forward with so much delight. As the hours and moments of the past year have slowly glided into the ocean of the past, they have borne with them the treasures of many a fond heart.

Its wings would no longer carry it, and very gently it glided down upon the soft blade of grass that was slightly waving in the evening breeze; there it drooped its tiny head, and fell into a calm sleep the sleep of death. "Poor little insect!" exclaimed the oak tree, "thy life was far too short." And every summer's day were repeated a similar dance, a similar conversation, and a similar death.

Camps seem to have some special attraction for pokers, but we learned they object to interference. Poke round peaceful as cats until "you rile them," Dan told us, and then glided into a tale of how a poker "had us all treed once."

From these somewhat morbid self-communings, which we introduce for a purpose hereafter to be disclosed, La Salle started, seized his glittering skates, and taking his gun, glided with long, powerful strokes across the inner bay towards the ice-houses of the other party, which lay within the embouchure of Trois-Lieue Creek.

I heard of him there, and could tell you more about him, I dare say, than you know yourself." "You, sir! pray do then." "The next time I come," said Margrave, gayly; and, with a nod to me, he glided off through the trees of the neighbouring grove, along the winding footpath that led to the lodge. "A very cool gentleman," muttered the steward; "but what pleasant ways he has!