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Jackson has presented all other phases of this part of the symposium in such a comprehensive manner that nothing further remains to be said. Pathology of Glaucoma New York City. In reviewing the pathology of glaucoma it seems proper to consider the various structures and tissues of the eye in logical order. Lids and Conjunctiva.

I cannot think that anybody who has systematically used dionin with holocain, the former in gradually increasing strength, beginning with 2 per cent and going up to 8 per cent, in various types of acute glaucoma, particularly of the secondary variety, can fail to have noted a favorable influence.

The nature of Milton's disease is not ascertainable from the account he has given of it. So thick a drop serene hath quench'd their orbs, Or dim suffusion veil'd. A medical friend referred to by Professor Alfred Stern, tells him that some of the symptoms are more like glaucoma. Milton himself has left such an account as a patient ignorant of the anatomy of the organ could give.

In acute glaucoma such massage is not available, but it is of assistance in encouraging a reduction of the intra-ocular tension and keeping it at a normal grade after operative work, particularly after a filtering cicatrix has been made, as was well shown by Weeks in his study of glaucomatous eyes operated upon by the Lagrange method.

I have seen even in America not a few people blind in both eyes who might have retained the sight of the second eye had the surgeon advised a double sclerectomy when he first saw the case, despite the fact that the second eye was then to all appearances non-glaucomatous. Dr. Robert Henry Elliot's Paper on Trephining for Glaucoma Discussion, Minneapolis.

There seems to be a special liability to glaucoma among those residing at high altitudes, best explained by nerve influence. The frequency of glaucoma among Jews may be due to a small cornea, as suggested by Priestley Smith; but it is quite as reasonable to connect it with a racial excitability or nervous instability.

On the other hand, if Fischer believes that sclerosis of the meshwork of the iris angle is a result and not a cause of glaucoma, then it would seem that Henderson has the better of the argument. The physiological changes in this structure, which take place with advancing age, can rightfully be looked upon as a predisposing factor in glaucoma. Dr.

Filtration Angle. Ophth. Soc. In many of the cases of acute glaucoma and almost all of the cases of chronic glaucoma of long standing the filtration angle becomes blocked by the advance of the root of the iris. Iris. In acute glaucoma the iris is congested and thickened. It is pushed forward and may lie against the cornea at its periphery.

Wood has cited, trephining heads the list of remedial measures for the relief of glaucoma, and it has the advantage of being applicable to any form of the disease, to be relatively free from danger, either immediate or remote, and to produce the highest percentage of favorable results.

This is not the only operation that does good mysteriously; that of cutting out a bit of the iris in a form of deep-seated eye disease, glaucoma, that tends toward complete blindness, is hardly more explicable; neither is an incision of the capsule of the kidney for certain forms of Bright's disease, each of which stays the progress of the trouble in a goodly proportion of instances.