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A trolling rod for these large fish should be much stiffer, and stronger than those used for the fly, on the rivers and streams; and the reel should be stronger and higher geared than the common fly reel. Three hundred feet of line are necessary, for the fish, if he is a large one, will sometimes determine upon a long flight, and it will not do to exhaust your line in his career.

The motion of these is peculiar, being not circular, but oval, a form which has certain advantages. In the Sun and Planet and Kangaroo bicycles a small wheel is "geared up," that is, is made to turn faster than the pedals, so as to avoid the very rapid pedaling which is necessary to obtain an ordinary amount of speed out of a small wheel.

A machine is judged not by this or that train of wheels, but by the nature of the work accomplished. The monumental roasting-jack of a waggoners' inn and a Breguet chronometer both have trains of cogwheels geared in almost a similar fashion. Shall we forget that the one turns a shoulder of mutton before the hearth, while the other divides time into seconds?

As I re-entered Henry Street, Thorndyke emerged from the mews and halted on seeing me. "Cyclist?" he asked laconically, as I came up. "Yes," I answered; "riding a machine geared up to about ninety." "Ah! he must have followed us from the station," said Thorndyke. "Did you notice if he was carrying anything?" "He had a walking-stick in his hand. I didn't see anything else."

"I'll be able to show you in a little while," he answered. "But it may be enough now if I tell you that the main power consists of two big gasolene engines, one on either side. They can be geared to operate together or separately. And these engines turn the endless belts made of broad, steel plates, on which the tank travels.

Although both institutions were geared to the needs of capitalistic agriculture, the rights and privileges of the South American planter were restricted and challenged at many points by the traditional powers the Crown and the Church. On one hand, capitalism, unimpeded by other powerful institutions, created a closed slave system which regimented the totality of the slave's life.

It isn't so hard when you get started on account of the bridge being balanced right and it's geared up, too. But what's the use if you can't find the key-bar? "It must be somewheres around," Westy said, all excited. Oh, didn't we turn things inside out! But it wasn't any use we couldn't find it. "Don't let's bother," I said, "I've got an idea, come ahead quick!"

* The fourth class of machine for raising water employed in Mesopotamia at the present day consists of an endless chain of iron buckets running over a wheel. This is geared by means of rough wooden cogs to a horizontal wheel, the spindle of which has long poles fixed to it, to which horses or cattle are harnessed. The beasts go round in a circle and so turn the machine.

Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, E.D. Baker, O.H. Browning, Jesse B. Thomas, and Josiah Lamborn a most unusual array of talent as subsequent history has proved were wont to gather around the fireplace in the rear of Joshua Speed's store, evenings, to discuss the issues of the time. Samson and his son Joe came often to hear the talk. Douglas looked like a dwarf among those long geared men.

A high pressure cylinder 14 inches diameter and 4 feet stroke, making 60 strokes per minute with steam of 40 lbs. on the square inch, supplied by three cylindrical boilers without flues, 30 inches diameter and 26 feet long, with 32 square feet of grate surface, works four cotton presses geared 6 to 1, with two screws in each, of 7-1/2 inches diameter and 1-5/8 pitch, which presses will screw 1000 bales of cotton in the twelve hours.