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"And never missed it for a single Sunday of fête-day since," continued Madame, "except last year, when she had the measles." "Do you go there every Sunday?" asked Madelon of the child. "Yes, every Sunday and fête-days. Would you like to see my new Paroissien? My god-father gave it to me on my last birthday." "And is it always like to-day, with all the singing, and music, and people?"

Perhaps he is dearer to the people than ever; and I confess that I like him much better than many grander saints, in stone, I have seen in more conspicuous places. If ever I am in rough water and foul weather, I hope he will not take amiss anything I have here written about him. Sunday, and it happened to be St. Valentine's also, was the great fete-day of St. Antonino.

And for that fete-day an altar, always the same, and imitating a rocky grotto, was erected on the quay; and over it, in the midst of anchors, oars and nets, was enthroned the Virgin Mary, calm, and beaming with affection, the patroness of sailors; she would be brought from her chapel for the occasion, and had looked upon generation after generation with her same lifeless eyes, blessing the happy for whom the season would be lucky, and the others who never more would return.

"Your father will not ask to see your gold downstairs," said Madame Grandet as they got back from Mass. "You must pretend to be very chilly. We may have time to replace the treasure before your fete-day."

There was every café crowded; there was the singing-places fuller than I ever saw them; there were drunken soldiers, who ought to have been with their regiments outside the walls, reeling about the streets. Any one as seed the place would have put it down that it was a great fête-day. As to the Prussians outside no one seemed to give them a thought.

You should make haste to inform Tychkov that you were not in the town on the day before Marfinka's fete-day, and consequently could not have been at the precipice." "It ought to be done differently." "Do just as you like, Ivan Ivanovich. But what else can you say?" "I would rather not meet Tychkov.

I was 'most choked!" But our fete-day dawned bright and speckless. We rose before three o'clock, every man, woman and child of us, to see the procession come into town.

The latter ordered horses from the village without delay. It had been a fete-day in honor of the Emperor, and most of the villagers were drunk, so that it required some time to assemble the requisite yemshicks and horses. A group of men and women from an evening party passed the station, and amused us with native songs.

I feared that I could not go to see Catharine on her fête-day; but two companies of infantry set out with pick-axes, and dug through the frozen snow a way for carriages, and that road remained open until the beginning of April, 1813. Nevertheless, Catharine's birthday approached day by day, and my happiness increased in proportion.

There are several ways of seeing Paris besides roaming up and down before the blazing shop-windows, and lounging by daylight or gaslight along the crowded and gay boulevards; and one of the best is to go to the Bois de Boulogne on a fete-day, or when the races are in progress.