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Fopling that if he were not a delightful, at worst he would never become a dangerous companion. Richard surveyed him with a deal of curiosity; then he questioned Dorothy with a glance. "Bess is to marry him," whispered Dorothy. "What for?" whispered Richard, off his guard. Then, pulling himself together in confusion: "Of course, he loves her, I dare say. Your friend Bess is a beautiful girl!"

Sir Courtly Nice, created by Mountford, is the hero of Crowne's excellent comedy, Sir Courtly Nice . In Act v he sings a little song he has made on his Mistress: 'As I gaz'd unaware, On a face so fair . Sir Fopling Flutter is the hero of Etheredge's masterpiece, The Man of Mode; or, Sir Fopling Flutter . Sir Fopling, a portrait of Beau Hewitt, became proverbial. The role was created by Smith.

A tall man looks taller in the perfect black. The broad expanse of shirt-front, with its delicate embroidery, not obtrusively splendid, but minutely elaborate rather, involving the largest expenditure of needlework to produce the smallest and vaguest effect a suspicion of richness, as it were, nothing more; the snowy cambric contrasts with the bronzed visage of the soldier, or blends harmoniously with the fair complexion of the fopling, who has never exposed his countenance to the rough winds of heaven; the expanse of linen proclaims the breadth of chest, and gives a factitious slimness to the waist.

The Ring, Hyde Park, a favourite ride and promenade was made in the reign of Charles I. It was very fashionable, and is frequently alluded to in poem and play. cf. Etheredge, The Man of Mode; or, Sir Fopling Flutter: 'Sir Fopling.

This missive and those shares being safely on their road to Mr. Harley, Richard made speed to hunt up Mr. Fopling. He found the sinless one at the house of his beloved. Fortune favored Richard; Bess was not there, being across with Dorothy, and, save for the company of Ajax, Mr. Fopling was alone. Mr.

So in that lucky Play of the London Cuckolds, not to recite Particulars. And in that good Comedy of Sir Courtly Nice, the Taylor to the young Lady in the fam'd Sir Fopling Dorimont and Bellinda, see the very Words in Valentinian, see the Scene between the Court Bawds.

It's simply awful, they say, for a chap to be bwoke. As for this Stow-wy, if Stawms hasn't got the money to go aftah him, I'll let him have some of mine. You see, Bess," concluded Mr. Fopling, with a broad candor that proved his love, "I hate this cweature Stow-wy." "Why?" asked Richard, somewhat interested in his unexpected ally. "He spoke dewisively of me," and with that Mr. Fopling lapsed.

Fopling has often struck me as volcanic; who shall say that he will not some day erupt?" Bess was not to be frightened. "Mr. Fopling will do and say and think as I direct; and we shall be very, very happy." Richard gave Dorothy a comical look of simulated dismay; and shook his head as though counseling against such heresies. "Of course," Bess continued, "what I propose for Mr.

They had begun to love at sight, taking each other for granted, worshiping frankly, sweetly, with the candid, innocent informality of barbarians to whom the conventional was the unknown. After all, why not? Isn't word of eye as sacred as word of mouth? Bess returned to them from the hall. "I say, Bess!" bleated Mr. Fopling anxiously. "In a moment, child!" returned Bess, in maternal tones. Mr.

Fopling feared Ajax, holding him to be rabid and not knowing when he would do those rending deeds of tooth and claw upon him, of which the ejaculation, the arched back, and the bottle-brush were signs and portents. It was the afternoon of the day following one of those Harley dinners whereat Storri had been the sole and honored guest, and Bess was sipping her tea. Her two favorites, Ajax and Mr.