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Over the hall chimney-piece, which is preserved with equal care by his Lordship, are the arms of Bishop Wright impaled by his See, and a mitre over them, and R. W. on each side of them; as also Wright impaling per Pale unde six martlets countercharged for Fleetwood.

A glow of his countess's friendliness for this open-faced, prompt- speaking, good fellow of the faintly inky eyelids, and possibly sheepish inclinations, melted Fleetwood.

We said nothing, of course," returned Captain Fleetwood, with a soldier's habitual distrust of the wisdom of the civil arm. "That will do, gentlemen," said the colonel, as the officers dispersed; "send Cassidy here." The colonel was alone on the veranda as Cassidy came up. "You followed Mr. Atherly to-day?" "Yes sorr." "And you saw him when he gave the message to the young lady?" "Yes sorr."

Mounting the box of his coach for the drive to London, Fleetwood had the new name for the parasitic and sham vital troop at his ears. 'My Ixionides! he repeated, and did not scorn them so much as he rejoiced to be enlightened by the title.

Entering Esslemont air, Fleetwood tossed his black mood to the winds. She breathed it. She was a mountain girl, and found it hard to forgive our lowlands. She would learn tolerance, taking her flights at seasons. The yacht, if she is anything of a sailor, may give her a taste of England's pleasures. She will have a special allowance for distribution among old Mr. Woodseer's people.

No, Feltre's' rigid monastic system is the sole haven. And what a world, where we have no safety except in renouncing it! The two sexes created to devour one another must abjure their sex before they gain 'The Peace, as Feltre says, impressively, if absurdly. He will end a monk if he has the courage of his logic. A queer spectacle an English nobleman a shaven monk! Fleetwood shuddered.

Dame Gossip prefers to ejaculate. Young men are mysteries! and bowl us onward. No one ever did comprehend the Earl of Fleetwood, she says: he was bad, he was good; he was whimsical and stedfast; a splendid figure, a mark for ridicule; romantic and a close arithmetician; often a devil, sometimes the humanest of creatures.

Lord Fleetwood! That slender thread given her of the character of her brother's rival who loved the mountains was woven in her mind with her passing experience of the youth they had left behind them, until the two became one, a highly transfigured one, and the mountain scenery made him very threatening to her brother.

Potts's hearing was not addressed; nor was the chief person in the meditation affected by a question that merely jumped out of his perturbed interior. Business at Calesford kept Fleetwood hanging about London several days further; and his hatred of a place he wasted time and money to decorate grew immeasurable.

In two minutes the two ladies and Marianna stood before him; but he neither rose nor showed them any courtesy. "Can you inform me, signora, where Captain Fleetwood is to be found?" he exclaimed, with vehemence, addressing Miss Garden, in Italian.