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"There was nothing out of the way in that, you'll say; but this light was a red one, and, what's more, somebody was holding it in his hand, and was waving it about. That lantern, to my mind, was a signal; for after waving it for a few minutes, the man who held it began to open and close the slide rapidly, as though sending a message by flash-light.

I am inclined to foretell as one most highly probable development of the present vague but very considerable revolt against the lawyer in British public life, first, some clumsy proposals or even attempts to leave him out, and use "business men," soldiers, admirals, dictators, or men of science, in his place which is rather like throwing away a blottesque fountain-pen and trying to write with a walking-stick or a revolver or a flash-light and then when that is found to be impossible, a resolute attempt to clean and reconstitute the legal profession on modern and more honourable lines; a movement into which, quite possibly, a number of the younger British lawyers, so soon as they realise that the movement is good enough to risk careers upon, may throw themselves.

There is a long cornery sort of closet full of carpets that runs back under the eaves in our attic, and if you strew handfuls of beads and tin washers among the carpets and then dig for them in the dark with a hockey-stick and a pocket flash-light, it's not poor fun. Unfortunately, my head knocks against the highest part of the roof now, yet I still do think it's fun.

Any vengeful blow which should make her a widow would as certainly separate the slayer from her forever. Unavoidably though it might occur, the act was one never to be forgiven by Beth Norvell, never to be blotted from her remembrance. Winston appreciated this as though a sudden flash-light had been turned upon his soul.

Over the armor I pulled on my dressing gown and shoved my revolver into one of the side pockets and my repeating flash-light into the other. My dark lantern I carried in my hand. "As soon as I was ready I went out into the passage and listened. I had been some considerable time making my preparations and I found that now the big hall and staircase were in darkness and all the house seemed quiet.

Suddenly the lights on the advancing ship were extinguished, and a strong flash-light was throw from above upon the forward deck. There in bold relief stood a single figure, brilliantly illuminated by the light. Cleary and Sam turned their field-glasses upon it. "By Jove! it's the Emperor," cried Cleary.

She sat very quiet listening while the staccato cries rent the stillness; and then she started, for there was a volley of explosion, and great clouds of smoke went up here and there through the cavern the flash-light photographers at work and the council was over. With the band at their head the clubs formed in column once more, took up their chant, and began to march out.

"Different things at different times to different men, Philippi," answered Lefever simply, exploring, while he spoke, different corners of the room with his flash-light. "At this moment " he stopped suddenly, then resumed reassuringly "I want a drink." "Nothing doing," muttered the landlord sulkily. Lefever's flash-light focussed on a United States license hanging back of the bar.

Sure enough, he had suddenly passed out of sight, and as suddenly the flash-light went out and the lights on the masts reappeared. In another moment these lights were extinguished, and the flash-light revealed a form standing in the same place in a theatrical attitude with raised sword and uplifted face. "I believe it's he again," said Cleary. "He must have a trap-door.

He then answers properly to Miss Gordon Cumming's flash-light picture of him as a person who is dressed in "a turban and a pocket handkerchief." All day long one has this monotony of dust-colored dead levels and scattering bunches of trees and mud villages. You soon realize that India is not beautiful; still there is an enchantment about it that is beguiling, and which does not pall.