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All at once, however, the landlord of the Hotel of the Apparitions, Master Majeste in person, appeared before them, clad in white from head to foot; and with a great show of politeness he inquired if the gentlemen would like to wait in the drawing-room. He was a stout man of five-and-forty, and strove to bear the burden of his name in a right royal fashion.

She did not adopt this secrecy of benevolence to avoid the laugh of those who might suppose that an oval face and dark eyes, with a clear brown complexion, though belonging to a woman of five-and-forty, and enclosed within a widow's close-drawn pinners, might possibly still aim at making conquests; for, to say truth, such a ridiculous suspicion having never entered into her own head, she could not anticipate its having birth in that of any one else.

He was surprised, also, to see how much Fanny remained the same. A life of gaiety had not debased her. Tom Windsor came next, an Irishman of five-and-forty, not like his countrymen in aught save wit.

Trollope say to see his lordship here? His father the old baron had dissipated the family fortune, and here was this young nobleman, at about five-and-forty, compelled to bestride a clattering Flemish stallion, and bump over dusty pavements at the rate of five miles an hour. But see the beauty of high blood: with what a calm grace the man of family accommodates himself to fortune.

I was afraid it never, never would come; or that, if it ever came, it would be a rainy day! Five-and-forty years ago, children's pleasures in a country town were very simple, and Molly had lived for twelve long years without the occurrence of any event so great as that which was now impending.

The sheep are of the kind which have long ears that hang down, and hair instead of wool: The flesh of these is hard and tough, and in every respect the worst mutton we ever saw. We found here, however, a few Cape sheep, which are excellent, but so dear that we gave five-and-forty shillings a-piece for four of them, the heaviest of which weighed only five-and-forty pounds.

"'Ah, ha, monsieur, said he on the stairs, 'a good many persons would be glad to live five-and-forty years longer; but one moment! and he laid the first finger of his right hand to his nostril with a cunning look, as much as to say, 'Mark my words! To last as long as that as long as that, said he, 'you must not be past sixty now.

'The afternoon express is just gone, he said, holding open the page, 'and the next train to Southampton passes at ten minutes to six o'clock. Now it wants let me see five-and-forty minutes to that time. Mr. Graye, my advice is that you come with me to the porter's cottage, where I will shortly write out the substance of what he has said, and get him to sign it.

In those Beds lay the lifeless bodies of two men and of one woman; the swollen carcasses of five-and-forty dogs, eighteen hundred and forty sheep, nine black cattle, three horses, one hundred and eighty hares; and of rabbits and small animals a multitude innumerable. Death held high carnival in Eskdalemuir that January of 1794. Hogg gives a vivid picture of his own adventures in this storm.

'We had a little tea-party here, last night five-and-forty women, my dear sir and gave every one of 'em a green parasol when she went away. 'A parasol! said Mr. Pickwick. 'Fact, my dear Sir, fact. Five-and-forty green parasols, at seven and sixpence a-piece. All women like finery extraordinary the effect of those parasols.