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Things were done in those days which would not be thought of at the present time. Men were wanted to work the ships which were to fight England's battles, and men were to be got by every means, fair or foul. Often, indeed, very foul means were used. While we were expecting to be paid off, down came an order to draft us off into other ships.

"What's stopping you?" asked Bruno impatiently. "Do you know what fight comes next? Is it worth while?" "If you think that way, no! Haven't you heard? The bulik of Capitan Basilio's against Capitan Tiago's lásak. According to the law the lásak must win." "Ah, the lásak! I'd bet on it, too. But let's be sure first."

Together they had fought in that melee, and after it was all over, anointed each other with liniment and bandaged each other's battle scars. Jack was a spirited lad, ready always for a fight or a frolic, impetuous and temperamental; Ted had inherited his father's quiet tastes and philosophical views of life, looking always before he leaped, cautious and conservative.

"Go tell the king," their general replied, "that our first business must be to fight. We have nothing to eat, and no man should talk to Greeks about a truce without first providing them with a dinner." The result of this bold answer was that food was provided, a truce declared, and Tissaphernes, a Persian satrap, with a body of troops, undertook to conduct the Greeks out of the country.

They were formidable enough, but you could gauge and calculate their capacities. But this Ivery was like a poison gas that hung in the air and got into unexpected crannies and that you couldn't fight in an upstanding way. Till then, in spite of Blenkiron's solemnity, I had regarded him simply as a problem.

As he vanished, repulsed and maltreated, the Boy realized for the first time how hostile even the unsophisticated wilderness is to a stranger. Among the wild kindreds, even as among men, most things worth having are preempted. When the Boy's excitement over this strange fight had calmed down, he set himself with keen interest to examining the dam.

Was it right for him to risk their lives farther in the Desert now; it affected her life now; and that was exactly what his common sense had foreseen: the fighter must fight alone. Love might send forth; but love must not be suffered to draw back. "Why do you tell me all this?" The old man moistened his lips before speaking.

The enemy, who had laid to for us, seeming to consider that nothing was to be gained by them if they continued the fight, but that they were far more likely to have to haul down their flags or to be sunk, once more filled and stood away from us to the northward.

He who had addressed him laughed applausively. "It was a gallant fight," he commented, "but like all good things hath had its end. My lord is overcome. Is my lord still minded for battle or for peace? Dare I, his servant, give orders for his release, or "

The words of eternal truth have been the food of the great in all ages. Fainting in the fight the message from the unseen, the echo of everlasting verities, has revived their spirits; they have fought the fight that despises things and seeks truth. Who would not exchange a mess of pottage for the benediction from a father's lips?